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Covering Nuclear Issues


Backgrounders / Fact Sheets

Nuclear Security

Arms Control and Nonproliferation

Changing U.S. Policy to Reduce the Risk of Nuclear War

Terms of Reference

  • Arms Control Security Glossary – Arms Control security terms to become familiar with.
  • Nuclear Glossary – Nuclear terms compiled by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Reporter Resources

Video resources from Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Interactive Materials

India-Pakistan Nuclear Stability: Online course from leading nuclear experts focusing on the nuclear tensions between India and Pakistan in South Asia by Stimson Center

Nuclear Analysis Toolkit: Online training toolkit using techniques including satellite imagery, photo and video analysis to examine nonproliferation challenges by CNS

Governing Uranium: Examining the ‘life’ of uranium from production and consumption, pit to port, ore to bomb, and the safeguards that prevent proliferation by Stimson, DIIS, CSIS 

NUKEMAP: people can pick an arbitrary locations and understand what a nuclear weapon would do those places, and how the different sizes of nuclear weapons change the results.

Interactive 3D models

B-roll of WMD facilities and 3D models

Interactive tutorials on WMD and delivery

Educational videos

North Korea Missile database

Iran Missile database

Illicit Trafficking database

Arms Control Wonk Blog and Podcast

Public Opinion on Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Security/Preventing Nuclear Terrorism

Reducing the Risk of Nuclear Weapons Use

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy


South Asia

North Korea

U.S.-China (e.g. Cunningham and Fravel)

Other general resources / organizations

Arms Control Association
Comprehensive information on arms control proposals, negotiations, and agreements, as well as the full text of the journal Arms Control Today.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Nuclear Policy Program
Extensive resources on a wide variety of nonproliferation and arms control and disarmament topics.

Center for Strategic and International Studies Proliferation Prevention Program
Analysis from this Washington, DC think-tank focuses on nuclear security, nuclear power, nuclear proliferation, and arms control.

Federation of American Scientists WMD Resources
The Federation of American Scientists posts a huge quantity of information (and links to other sites) related to nuclear weapons technologies, arms control, and nonproliferation.

Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy
FAS’s Project on Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive secrecy and to promote public oversight, including but not limited to the Department of Energy and nuclear policy.

Federation of American Scientists Collection of Congressional Research Service Reports on Nuclear Weapons, WMD Proliferation and Related Topics

Fissile Material Working Group
The FMWG is a non-governmental coalition of more than 70 U.S. and international organizations working to provide action-oriented policy solutions to keep the world safe from nuclear terrorism.

Institute for Science and International Security
This research organization focuses on halting the proliferation of nuclear weapons and related technology, increasing transparency of nuclear activities worldwide, and achieving deep cuts in nuclear arsenals.

International Panel on Fissile Materials
The mission of this Princeton-based research group is to analyze the technical basis for practical and achievable policy initiatives to secure, consolidate, and reduce stockpiles of highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

Nonproliferation Policy Education Center
The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center is an educational organization that promotes better understanding of strategic weapons proliferation issues.

Managing the Atom
The Project on Managing the Atom conducts and disseminates policy-relevant research on nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, and nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

Nuclear Threat Initiative
Website includes detailed databases in several areas, archives of the “Global Security Newswire,” and other information.

Project Alpha, Kings College
This is a research program based out of Kings College that studies illicit, proliferation-related trade and how to counter it.

Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
The website of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (which shared the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize with one of its founders, Joseph Rotblat) provides a wide range of reports and summaries of workshops on key issues related to arms control, conflict, energy, and development.


All Things Nuclear
The Union of Concerned Scientists’ blog on a range of nuclear power, non-proliferation, and nuclear weapons policy issues.

Arms Control Now
Arms Control Now is the blog of the Arms Control Association, an independent membership organization working to address the threat of nuclear weapons.

Arms Control Wonk
News and analysis from Jeffrey Lewis and other experts on arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation.

Iran Matters
Harvard’s Iran Matters is a one-stop shop for analysis and facts about issues relating to nuclear negotiations with Iran.

Nuclear Security Matters
Nuclear Security Matters provides accessible analysis from the world’s leading experts on nuclear security and nuclear terrorism.

Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog
Restricted Data is a blog about nuclear secrecy, past and present, run by Alex Wellerstein, a historian of science and an associate of MTA.

Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces
This blog provides Russian citizens and policymakers with information about nuclear weapons, arms control, and disarmament based on open scientific analysis.