Why is it great? Well, first of all, it comes from the great Sarah Lyall, who was the longtime London correspondent for The New York Times. She has such a wonderful voice: charming, funny, intimate. This comes from her book about her years living in England (highly recommended). Here, she's talking about the down-market tabloid The Sun, famous (or infamous) for its bare-breasted "Page 3 girls." Lyall mimics the Sun's lowest-common-denominator style here in her hilarious description of its writing.
“The Sun specializes in short items unlikely to tax the mental capacities of its target audience: one-paragraph news articles, one-sentence paragraphs, one-word sentences.”
by Kari Howard

One Great Moment
“Besides, there’s more room …”
From a tribute by Mary Lou Logsdon, a spiritual advisor and writer in St. Paul, Minnesota, upon the death of a friend
Jacqui Banaszynski

One Great Moment
“Go out, little book, into the world.”
From an interview with author Margaret Atwood
Jacqui Banaszynski

One Great Moment
… that he who does good …
From the novel "North Woods" by Daniel Mason
Jacqui Banaszynski