Why is it so great? This is not only one of the best one-word sentences in a memoir, it's also possibly the only one-word chapter in a memoir. And the final chapter, to boot. So it also ranks up there in the best-last-line sweepstakes. (My personal favorite is the one in "Little Boy Lost," by Marghanita Laski, which you mustn't read before you've read the whole book.) O'Court's memoir of his childhood in Ireland became such a blockbuster, there was a backlash against it. But nothing can take away the sweetness and the hopefulness of this last line, when he finally reaches America.

One Great Moment
“Besides, there’s more room …”
From a tribute by Mary Lou Logsdon, a spiritual advisor and writer in St. Paul, Minnesota, upon the death of a friend
Jacqui Banaszynski

One Great Moment
“Go out, little book, into the world.”
From an interview with author Margaret Atwood
Jacqui Banaszynski

One Great Moment
… that he who does good …
From the novel "North Woods" by Daniel Mason
Jacqui Banaszynski