
“The problem of being labelled a confessionalist”

If you’ve read Meghan Daum’s terrific essay in the Sept. 29 New Yorker on her decision to remain childless (one of Storyboard’s most recent weekend picks), you’ll want to take a…

Catch up on stories from the New Yorker, Chicago Tribune and NPR are Storyboard’s three picks for your reading, viewing and dancing pleasure this weekend:In an essay entitled “Difference Maker: The childless, the parentless, and the Central Sadness,” Meghan Daum writes in the…
Finding the Tribe

Finding the Tribe

When Hillary Frank first started producing “The Longest Shortest Time” podcast in 2010, she was going through a rough time herself. A radio producer for more than a decade, she…
First Listen: Apple’s iTunes carries more than 250,000 podcasts. Here are a few of the best for journalists

First Listen: Apple’s iTunes carries more than 250,000 podcasts. Here are a few of the best for journalists

“Strangers”Host/Producer: Lea ThauThrough conversations about life and death, love and heartbreak, and everything in between, people share the most intimate stories about their lives.Recommended Episode: “Gay Talese: Committed Voyeur” The…
Required Reading, Session Two

Required Reading, Session Two

Welcome to the second session of our discussion with narrative instructors about the stories they’re assigning students this fall. If you missed Monday’s recommendations from Alex Kotlowitz, Doug Foster and…

Required Reading, Session One

The stories narrative instructors want their students to study

3 (Stories) for 2 (Days)

It’s time for Storyboard’s three weekend picks. Here they are:In honor of Roger Federer’s gritty performance in Thursday’s U.S. Open quarterfinal, it seems fitting to re-read David Foster Wallace’s 2006…
Registration Open: Narrative Conference at Berkeley

Registration Open: Narrative Conference at Berkeley

Registration is now open for “The Latest in Longform,” the new, small-scale narrative journalism conference at the University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. Organized by former Nieman narrative…

3 (Stories) for 3 (Days)

In between those end-of-summer barbecues and final visits to the beach, make time for some good storytelling this Labor Day holiday. Here are Storyboard’s three weekend picks:Writing for GQ in…

“I never intended to write a Starbucks story.”

Starbucks employee Jannette Navarro and her son, Gavin, were the subjects of a story by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor. (Reprinted with permission.) Few pieces of journalism — let…