
Ian Johnson on A Mosque in Munich: narrative as “the sugar around the medicine”

Ian Johnson on A Mosque in Munich: narrative as “the sugar around the medicine”

We spoke this week with writer Ian Johnson about his new book, A Mosque in Munich. After winning a Pulitzer Prize in 2001 for his coverage of the Falun Gong movement…
International Journalism Festival in review: talking story in Italy (or, "Is social media really more dangerous than terrorists?")

International Journalism Festival in review: talking story in Italy (or, "Is social media really more dangerous than terrorists?")

Last month, I went to the International Journalism Festival in Italy for a panel on the future of story in the digital era. Since a potential benefit of the growing number…
C.J. Chivers in The New York Times on hitting the mark in Marja

C.J. Chivers in The New York Times on hitting the mark in Marja

Readers familiar with the work of C.J. Chivers might know him best for his portrait of Vladimir Putin from Esquire or the writing that helped The New York Times score…
David Finkel on The Good Soldiers: "I’m not obligated to these men, but I do want to tell a story that they recognize"

David Finkel on The Good Soldiers: "I’m not obligated to these men, but I do want to tell a story that they recognize"

Tomorrow, Washington Post national enterprise editor David Finkel will receive the 2010 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for The Good Soldiers, a bruising account of a U.S. Army battalion’s service…
Adam Hochschild on narrative nonfiction, history and finding the next story

Adam Hochschild on narrative nonfiction, history and finding the next story

Adam Hochschild arrived at the narrative journalism conference at Boston University last weekend feeling liberated after an intense six-year relationship.But soon this writer will be looking to fall in love…
New York Times editor Bill Keller on narrative's future: three "threats" to it he's not buying

New York Times editor Bill Keller on narrative’s future: three "threats" to it he’s not buying

New York Times executive editor Bill Keller thinks the death of narrative journalism has been greatly exaggerated—and he brought some examples to Boston University’s 2010 narrative conference Saturday to prove…
Gay Talese at Boston University narrative conference: "I don’t want something juicy; I want the closest I can get to the truth"

Gay Talese at Boston University narrative conference: “I don’t want something juicy; I want the closest I can get to the truth”

The son of Italian immigrants grew up in a house where there were virtually no books. In the small, World War II-era town of Ocean City, N.J., Gay Talese spent…
Writing is part of the digital story

Writing is part of the digital story

Examples of powerful multimedia presentations that incorporate (not just link to) good nonfiction writing
The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

The importance of words in multimedia storytelling

Journalists are told to write short for the Web. The online audience wants information, not a lovely phrase or a rousing metaphor. “On the Web, people want to move quickly,” says Hoa Loranger,…

Robert Darnton looks to the past to imagine future news narratives: Walter Winchell and "paragraph men"

What might life without books look like, and how will the shift to digital texts and images change news narratives? Earlier this month, Nieman Lab staffer Megan Garber wrote about…