
Interview: Ted Genoways on journalism and documentary poetry

Interview: Ted Genoways on journalism and documentary poetry

Poetry may not be the first vehicle journalists come up with when they think of reported stories—in fact, poetry may not be on most journalists’ list at all. Virginia Quarterly Review editor…

Poetry as narrative journalism? You’d be surprised.

When people talk about journalism tottering off into quaint irrelevance, there is a tendency to compare journalism to poetry. In a post this week at PBS Idea Lab, Spot.Us founder David Cohn…

Interview: Susan B.A. Somers-Willett on "Women of Troy"

We spoke earlier this week with Susan B.A. Somers-Willett, who wrote a series of poems for the multimedia project “Women of Troy,” our latest Notable Narrative. A professor at Montclair…
The expansive, defiant "Women of Troy"

The expansive, defiant "Women of Troy"

An ambitious effort to present working-class women in down-at-heel Troy, N.Y., “Women of Troy” brings the hard life front and center. The project is the first installment of In Verse,…

Tanja Aitamurto on crowdfunding and the future of narrative journalism

Yesterday's Storyboard post was on "Finding Dolly Freed," an innovative approach to narrative journalism. For that story, we shared comments on the project from Tanja Aitamurto, a researcher at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, who did a…
Paige Williams on "Finding Dolly Freed"

Paige Williams on "Finding Dolly Freed"

Yesterday on the Storyboard, we looked at a new approach to narrative by focusing on Paige Williams' self-published project "Finding Dolly Freed." That post considered the possiblities for crowdfunded narrative journalism,…
Hello, Dolly! Radiohead journalism and the future of narrative

Hello, Dolly! Radiohead journalism and the future of narrative

When a journalist in love with a story gets turned down by magazine after magazine then sells a piece only to see it killed, what’s the next step? If you’re…

Science narratives: more focused on story than facts?

A storytelling approach to science can make for bad journalism, according to a Myles Allen opinion piece that ran last month in The Guardian (UK). Writing about the theft and…
Mike Levine Writers Workshop: a chance for reporters to focus on story

Mike Levine Writers Workshop: a chance for reporters to focus on story

Calling all storytellers: Is there a story you’ve been dying to do, or even trying to write, but you know you need help? If so, the Mike Levine Writers Workshop…

Charles Pierce on the future of narrative journalism: "anyone not concerned isn’t paying attention"

I talked this week with Charles Pierce about the end-of-decade summary he did for Esquire. Pierce, who also works for The Boston Globe Magazine, talks (and perhaps writes—see end of…