Author Drugnet Shiffman and his editor, Avery Rome, made a very complicated story readable and highly engaging by sticking closely to narrative technique. Read “Drugnet,” by John Shiffman… January 4, 2007 Quarantined This is a great example of linking a deeply personal experience to a larger social issue, or in this case to social history. Latimer traces her mother’s fear of showing… January 4, 2007 Katrina’s Nameless Dead Bruce DeSilva wrote us this about the piece: “Rukmini Callimachi is an AP bureau writer with less than 5 years in the business. She set out to do a situationer… January 3, 2007 The Four Noble Truths of Religion Writing “Life means suffering.” According to the Buddha, that is the first of four “noble truths” that together define human existence. I’m not much of a Buddhist (I’m a lapsed Catholic… December 15, 2006 Equal Treatment This piece uses narrative elements in shedding light on an irony of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as it gets worked out at one locus, one institution. The piece is narrative in… December 13, 2006 Father, Son and Holy Rift “One by one they fell away, the doctrinal pillars of the house his father built.” This is the story of Chuck Smith, Jr., and his movement away from the stern… December 13, 2006 Tay Sachs: At What Cost? This piece is in some ways “just” another story about tragically ill children. But it’s also a useful exploration of ethical issues around the lengths parents will go, understandably, to… December 12, 2006 One Spoonful at a Time This is a fascinating, moving piece of memoir. We admired the masterly sequencing of the reader’s experience, from evocative scene to background and back to scene. But the background is… December 12, 2006 End of the Race for Family Farm This piece tells the poignant story of one farm. It’s also, peripherally, a story about baseball. It’s not fully narrative in terms of structure; it uses more quotes than dialogue… December 12, 2006 Voice and Meaning [Editor’s note: This essay first appeared on, “a showcase and resource for new public radio.”] Dear Transomistas, It was daunting to have Jay Allison’s invitation to be a guest… December 1, 2006 Previous 1 … 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 … 240 Next