
Lee Romney


Lee Romney spent 23 years at the Los Angeles Times as a general news reporter. She left in 2015 to branch into audio storytelling. She graduated last year from The Transom Story Workshop, in Woods Hole, Mass., and now covers education for KALW in San Francisco with a focus on efforts to boost our most vulnerable kids.

5(ish) Questions: Radio storytelling pioneer Jay Allison and the bite-size "Sonic IDs"

5(ish) Questions: Radio storytelling pioneer Jay Allison and the bite-size “Sonic IDs”

The audio vignettes interrupt the expected with the voices and sounds of life on Cape Cod (including the sound of scallops clapping)
How a midcareer print writer mastered the "magic stick" in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

How a midcareer print writer mastered the “magic stick” in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

Nearly two years ago, I was one of dozens of Los Angeles Times reporters who took a buyout and left the paper. I liked my job almost all the time.…