
Roy Rivenburg


Roy Rivenburg is a freelance journalist and former Los Angeles Times staff writer based in Southern California.

5(ish) Questions: Podcast producer Lily Percy and humor as a survival tool

"Laughter helps us heal," she says of a 15-episode C.O.O.L. series featuring the famous (Terry McMillan) and the not-so-famous (a drag-queen-turned-rabbi)
Annotation Tuesday! Kathy Sawyer and the execution of the "Death Row Granny"

Annotation Tuesday! Kathy Sawyer and the execution of the “Death Row Granny”

More than 30 years ago, a journalism grad student clipped the Washington Post story as a great example of how to transform a deadline story with narrative details. He still…
Annotation Tuesday! Leah Sottile and "The Man Who Created Bigfoot"

Annotation Tuesday! Leah Sottile and “The Man Who Created Bigfoot”

The writer talks about her Outside magazine story on the cowboy behind the "Zapruder film" for the cryptozoological set -- and why she thinks it's good to be outside the…