
Sean Patrick Farrell


Sean Patrick Farrell is a New York Times video journalist who writes Viewfinder, an occasional Storyboard column on video journalism.

Work the problem: Survival tips and resources for the narrative video journalist

Editor’s note: Our Work the Problem series has covered story regret, with Esquire‘s Tom Junod; self-editing, with Pulitzer winner Amy Ellis Nutt; and prospecting for narrative, with Storycraft author Jack Hart. Today’s question: “What survival tips can you offer a reporter who is…
Viewfinder: Funny business

Viewfinder: Funny business

The news business is rarely funny. Much of what we do every day is report on devastating acts of nature, the plight of those without voices – the problems of the…
Viewfinder: Video storytelling -- yes, you can

Viewfinder: Video storytelling — yes, you can

Until about the past decade, making films or videos required thousands of dollars of equipment, years of experience and an outlet, be it a theater or a TV station. Now…
Viewfinder: We need to talk

Viewfinder: We need to talk

Let’s talk about why we’re not talking, shall we?I’ve noticed a recent video journalism trend against treating the audience to a bit of narration. Yes, I said narration: the stuff…
Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Whenever I go out on an assignment I get a few of the same questions from onlookers who see me with my tripod and my reasonably large video camera: “What…