
Steve Weinberg

Steve Weinberg, former executive director of Investigative Reporters and Editors, is the author of eight nonfiction books and a freelance writer for magazines.

The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

A charter member of IRE carried lessons from Didion's probe of the 1989 Central Park jogger case throughout his career
The Pulitzer at 100: Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman on "Tainted Justice"

The Pulitzer at 100: Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman on “Tainted Justice”

The Philadelphia Daily News reporters won the 2010 Investigative Reporting prize for their series on renegade narcotics cops and the snitch who snitched on them.
Annotation Tuesday! Rachel Aviv and "Your Son Is Deceased"

Annotation Tuesday! Rachel Aviv and “Your Son Is Deceased”

This New Yorker story about a fatal police shooting could have seemed like “same old, same old.” After all, I’ve consumed (and sometimes written) countless death-by-cop sagas during my 50…
"Why's This So Good?" No. 101: Ida Tarbell and "The History of The Standard Oil Company"

“Why’s This So Good?” No. 101: Ida Tarbell and “The History of The Standard Oil Company”

I’ve been grappling with what made Ida Tarbell so good since about 1983, when I was appointed executive director of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). I felt I needed to…
Annotation Tuesday! Elizabeth Weil and "What Really Happened to Baby Johan?"

Annotation Tuesday! Elizabeth Weil and “What Really Happened to Baby Johan?”

Elizabeth Weil had never written about criminal justice, but when asked to write about a controversial case of whether a baby was killed by his father, she produced the gripping “What…