Notable Narratives

Essential Breslin: Artful narrative by a master of journalistic craft

May 21, 2024

A new anthology of stories by the New York City columnist is analyzed for the deadline work that underlies his timeless art

Notable Narratives

“Poetic explorations” in a podcast from inside and outside prison walls

May 18, 2023

The final post in the revived "Audio Danger" series gives voice to the moments and memories of imprisoned people

Notable Narratives

A true crime podcast that is more about truth than crime

May 8, 2023

The third post of the revived "Audio Danger" series explores the reporting that revealed indigenous lives "Stolen" in a residential school in Canada

Notable Narratives

A podcaster follows a then-cop into the breach of the U.S. Capitol

April 26, 2023

The second post of the revived "Audio Danger" series analyzes the powerful storytelling behind an episode of the podcast "Will Be Wild"

Notable Narratives

John Lennon, Jimmy Breslin and (deadline) narrative as the sum of its parts

April 7, 2023

Narrative Elements 1: A narrative nonfiction writer and teacher starts a series that explores narrative journalism element by element

Notable Narratives

How a 19th century widow stopped the presses — and pioneered deadline reporting

March 29, 2023

Miriam Leslie inherited a media empire from her husband, then reinvented it with journalism we take for granted today

Notable Narratives

A doc film that gently unspools surprises

March 17, 2023

Filmmaker Eloisa Diez follows a trans man's journey to create a family of his own ~ and confronts her own storytelling stereotypes

Notable Narratives

A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast

September 23, 2022

Author and narrative reporter Line Vaaben offers gems from her 20-year immersion into the craft of storytelling

Notable Narratives

A viral image, a question of provenance and a consideration of truth

June 16, 2022

A news photographer helps assess how a "photo illustration" with a point-of-view can convey, rather than undermine, reality

Notable Narratives

A writer’s tribute to Roger Angell: For the love of the reading journey

June 3, 2022

"Sports Guy" author and politics blogger Charles P. Pierce with a reflection on legendary sportswriter and baseball fan Roger Angell

Notable Narratives

Stories behind bars: The power and pitfalls of “emotional truths”

May 13, 2022

Author Lauren Kessler finds echoes of her work in a prisoner profile by Boston Globe reporter Evan Allen that reveals the journalist's role in the story

Notable Narratives

What a modern reading of “The Canterbury Tales” can teach us

April 15, 2022

A journalist's mother tuned her, and then her daughter, into the sound of written language by reading Chaucer aloud in Middle English