Search results for “5 questions”

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The story ideas Mother Jones' managing editor wants to see

The story ideas Mother Jones’ managing editor wants to see

The magazine is known for its hard-hitting investigations, but Ian Gordon says, “We write so much about bad actors that we're always looking for people to bring some levity to…
Newest Americans: stories of immigrants who help make the country great

Newest Americans: stories of immigrants who help make the country great

The collaborative project asks: "What could be more salient at a time when our nation is debating what it means to be American and who deserves to claim that mantle?”
The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

With writers like Roxane Gay, the Globe's Sacha Pfeiffer and The New York Times' Emily Steel, the yearly gathering focused on the uncomfortable truths of sexual abuse
Pacific Standard's executive editor shares some do's and don'ts on pitching stories

Pacific Standard’s executive editor shares some do’s and don’ts on pitching stories

Jennifer Sahn also mounts a defense of the overwhelmed editor, and why you might not hear back right away when you email
What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

Narrative writers on the similarities—and crucial differences—between journalism and screenwriting
The thing with feathers: Burkhard Bilger and his haute-couture "plumassier"

The thing with feathers: Burkhard Bilger and his haute-couture “plumassier”

In his profile of a fashion creative who works exclusively with feathers, The New Yorker reporter shows off his own plumage in the beautiful writing
How to break into The California Sunday Magazine

How to break into The California Sunday Magazine

Editor Douglas McGray doles out a million great tips and insights, including the possibly scary, "We really put a lot of weight on the pitch."
Finding the story in the parentheses and other adventures with Jeffrey Stern

Finding the story in the parentheses and other adventures with Jeffrey Stern

In this Vanity Fair piece, a freelancer takes readers on a wild ride in a bulletproof car with a Kurdish fighter turned savior
"The Watchdog" on the importance of storytelling in consumer reporting

“The Watchdog” on the importance of storytelling in consumer reporting

Dallas Morning News columnist Dave Lieber says he uses the creative writing techniques of New Journalism to help readers with their problems
Francisco Cantú and "The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches From the Border"

Francisco Cantú and “The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches From the Border”

The memoir of his life with the Border Patrol combines lyricism and pain, highlighting by turns the futility, absurdity and uniqueness of his time there