Search results for “5 questions”

Showing 755 results
5 Questions: Talal Ansari and "Welcome to America: Now Spy on Your Friends"

5 Questions: Talal Ansari and “Welcome to America: Now Spy on Your Friends”

"I think it opened the eyes of people who are so far removed from this kind of world," the BuzzFeed News writer says of his piece about FBI agents pressuring…
5 Questions: Anne Helen Petersen and the white supremacists who came for Whitefish

5 Questions: Anne Helen Petersen and the white supremacists who came for Whitefish

The BuzzFeed writer talks about the contradictions of a small Montana town and the West, and why she seeks understanding, not empathy
5 Questions: Julie Beck and "When Are You Really an Adult?"

5 Questions: Julie Beck and “When Are You Really an Adult?”

In her Atlantic piece, the writer captures that moment when you’ve worn a cap and gown but at the same time feel like a little kid playing dress-up
5 Questions: Abigail Keel and the RadioLab episode "Debatable"

5 Questions: Abigail Keel and the RadioLab episode “Debatable”

The young journalist, who explored the privileged world of debating societies and found a student who defies the stereotypes, talks about the podcasting ethos
5 Questions:  Nathaniel Rich and "The Invisible Catastrophe"

5 Questions: Nathaniel Rich and “The Invisible Catastrophe”

Tomorrow’s journalists exploring the masters of today Jacqui Banaszynski is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who now is an endowed Knight Chair  professor at the Missouri School of Journalism. Last semester,…
5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine's Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

5 Questions: Pop-Up Magazine’s Doug McGray and the pleasures of live storytelling

The editor of the ephemeral multimedia performances talks about bringing journalism to life onstage, and meeting the coolest people in the audiences
5 Questions: Alex Tizon and "In the Land of Missing Persons"

5 Questions: Alex Tizon and “In the Land of Missing Persons”

The Pulitzer winner (and two-time finalist) talks about covering the aftermath of a school shooting a different way: "the truth is obviously so much uglier and so much messier and…
5 Questions: Hanna Rosin and "The Silicon Valley Suicides"

5 Questions: Hanna Rosin and “The Silicon Valley Suicides”

Tomorrow’s journalists exploring the masters of today Jacqui Banaszynski is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who now is an endowed Knight Chair  professor at the Missouri School of Journalism. Last semester,…
5 Questions: The Washington Post's Eli Saslow and "A survivor's life"

5 Questions: The Washington Post’s Eli Saslow and “A survivor’s life”

The Pulitzer winner (and two-time finalist) talks about covering the aftermath of a school shooting a different way: "the truth is obviously so much uglier and so much messier and…
5 Questions: Robert Sanchez and "Colorado Springs' Identity Crisis"

5 Questions: Robert Sanchez and “Colorado Springs’ Identity Crisis”

The 5280 magazine writer talks about avoiding caricature in an extreme city and capturing a "sense of place in an authentic way"