Search results for “5 questions”

Showing 752 results
5(ish) Questions: Patsy Sims and "The Stories We Tell: Classic True Tales by America's Greatest Women Journalists"

5(ish) Questions: Patsy Sims and “The Stories We Tell: Classic True Tales by America’s Greatest Women Journalists”

The anthology, which includes Joan Didion and Lillian Ross, puts a deserved spotlight on female writers (and perhaps will give Gay Talese a few ideas when he's next asked about…
5(ish) Questions: Ted Genoways and his year-long embed on a family farm

5(ish) Questions: Ted Genoways and his year-long embed on a family farm

In the book "This Blessed Earth," the writer and his wife, photographer Mary Anne Andrei, give voice to the Americans who provide the food we eat
5(ish) Questions: "Bodega Stories" creator talks about her love for the corner store

5(ish) Questions: “Bodega Stories” creator talks about her love for the corner store

As a Silicon Valley startup outrages Latinos and others with its automated "bodega," journalist Amaris Castillo speaks up for the human connection
5(ish) Questions: Texas journalist Krys Boyd and the art of the radio interview

5(ish) Questions: Texas journalist Krys Boyd and the art of the radio interview

The longtime host of "Think" talks about preparing for her daily show, and how radio is a form of oral storytelling -- "I think it’s stronger than ever"
5(ish) Questions: Photographer Lindsay Rickert and "Drive-In America"

5(ish) Questions: Photographer Lindsay Rickert and “Drive-In America”

She spent 65 days on the road, covering 12,000 miles, in search of this fast-disappearing artifact of the country's past -- and its summer memories
5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book "Immersion"

5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book “Immersion”

The writer (and vet) talks about squeezing story from science, and how a book about mussels is also about our tender, tenacious humanity.

5(ish) Questions: Podcast producer Lily Percy and humor as a survival tool

"Laughter helps us heal," she says of a 15-episode C.O.O.L. series featuring the famous (Terry McMillan) and the not-so-famous (a drag-queen-turned-rabbi)
5(ish) Questions: Mandy Len Catron and "How to Fall in Love With Anyone"

5(ish) Questions: Mandy Len Catron and “How to Fall in Love With Anyone”

The author of the viral Modern Love essay in The New York Times follows up with a book about romance -- and the danger of fetishizing love
5(ish) Questions: Andy Kopsa and the slow payoff of freelance longform work

5(ish) Questions: Andy Kopsa and the slow payoff of freelance longform work

The writer, who alternates between shorter stories and time-consuming investigative stories, talks about the financial hardships of her career -- and offers tips to others starting out in a tough…
5(ish) Questions: Maud Newton and her science-meets-personal-essay "I, Rodent"

5(ish) Questions: Maud Newton and her science-meets-personal-essay “I, Rodent”

The writer talks about her touching piece in The Awl, in which she intersperses disturbing facts about genetic engineering with her lifelong identification with mice