Search results for “burnout”

Showing 8 results
Bang that keyboard and jazz up your writing

Bang that keyboard and jazz up your writing

A freelance science journalist took up drumming, dared to jam some jazz — and found a way to do fast-jazz story drafts
What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

What to do when you write the kinds of stories you find hard to read

Every morning I wake up and do exactly what and and and all those other “take care of yourself” sites and blogs and organizations tell me not…
J-school everywhere, everyday

J-school everywhere, everyday

The start of a new school year is upon us. That may have some feeling excited — days spent with old and new friends, new adventures in learning and all…
How a top explanatory reporter does emotional interviews: With empathy

How a top explanatory reporter does emotional interviews: With empathy

Pulitzer Prize winner Ed Yong of The Atlantic takes the same open approach with COVID scientists and frontline nurses
Embedding with EMTs to write about the first line of COVID first responders

Embedding with EMTs to write about the first line of COVID first responders

Ava Kofman of ProPublica blended contextual and records reporting with intimate narrative interviews and observation
The keys to global journalism: curiosity, open-mindedness and a broad network

The keys to global journalism: curiosity, open-mindedness and a broad network

As an Australian, I often feel that locally produced radio news and podcasts are too inward-looking. If the news doesn’t directly affect Australia, or have a strong link to this…
Narrative of Oregon town’s hellish wildfire experience is a lesson in deadline writing

Narrative of Oregon town’s hellish wildfire experience is a lesson in deadline writing

This past Labor Day, three reporters in Salem, Oregon were enjoying the holiday weekend. They’d done a good job preparing stories in advance so they wouldn’t have to scramble the…
Can deep reporting answer the ultimate coronavirus question: How will it end?

Can deep reporting answer the ultimate coronavirus question: How will it end?

One of the things that distinguishes the coronavirus outbreak from disasters that have come before is the disorienting flood of research and information. Credit — or blame — that on…