Search results for “nut grafs”

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When the best form for a complex narrative is a simple structure

When the best form for a complex narrative is a simple structure

A standard — some would say ideal — approach to effective narrative nonfiction is to follow a single, primary character through an intimate journey that illuminates a larger social situation.…
Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

AP reporter Tim Sullivan found a small town on the Minnesota prairie to explore the political chasms exposed by COVID
How narrative moments can elevate a non-narrative story

How narrative moments can elevate a non-narrative story

Two foundational definitions of news are proximity and immediacy. The closer and more urgent an event or issue, the more likely it is to grab a reader’s attention. That can…
A narrative on the political divide reported from the inside-out

A narrative on the political divide reported from the inside-out

Jose A. Del Real of The Washington Post uses phone, email and texts to profile a family torn apart by conflicting beliefs in "facts"
Profiling homeless house-sitters to humanize the housing crisis in America

Profiling homeless house-sitters to humanize the housing crisis in America

"My mission is to make people as excited to understand (housing) as I am," says freelance writer Francesca Mari
Reporting beyond the first headlines

Reporting beyond the first headlines

A Washington Post team went back to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and found a story that defied easy narratives and cardboard characters
A day-in-the-life profile of a grocery store during the coronavirus shutdown

A day-in-the-life profile of a grocery store during the coronavirus shutdown

With a cell phone, an eye for evocative detail and 50 pages of notes, Brittny Mejia of the Los Angeles Times turned a day at a grocery store into a…
A religion reporter profiles a charismatic community drawn to a "miracle Bible"

A religion reporter profiles a charismatic community drawn to a “miracle Bible”

Surprising stories spring from any number of places. Investigative or narrative or explanatory stories often start with curiosity sparked by a local news story or feature. That’s what happened when…
These boots were made for discovery

These boots were made for discovery

Tom Curwen’s new boots, size 17AAA, handmade by boot maker Randy MerrellThey say every good narrative is a journey.Los Angeles Times reporter Thomas Curwen starts his by looking down. Literally.…
When gun violence visits, a workaday mayor — and hard-working journalist — respond

When gun violence visits, a workaday mayor — and hard-working journalist — respond

By early August of this year, 253 American cities had been added to the map of mass shootings. For a day or two after yet another event, officials in these…