Search results for “pinned”

Showing 56 results
Pinned: Story trailers, a notable narrative, writers on rejection, writers on Twitter, Michael Hastings' tips for young journalists

Pinned: Story trailers, a notable narrative, writers on rejection, writers on Twitter, Michael Hastings’ tips for young journalists

Pinned this week, for your storytelling pleasure: Inspired: Story trailers. Esquire made not one but two (a 46- and 20-second version) for Chris Jones’ “Animals,” a taut narrative about the Zanesville, Ohio,…
Pinned: Dan Zak, 40 Towns, Chimamanda Adichie, TED Radio Hour, writing advice, Walter Lippmann

Pinned: Dan Zak, 40 Towns, Chimamanda Adichie, TED Radio Hour, writing advice, Walter Lippmann

Pinned this week week for your storytelling pleasure:Highly recommended: In schools, the complexity in assigned reading is dropping, NPR reports: “A century ago, students were being assigned books with the complexity of…
Pinned: Wells Tower, James Agee, Jill Lepore, David Foster Wallace, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Jennifer Egan, Sylvia Plath

Pinned: Wells Tower, James Agee, Jill Lepore, David Foster Wallace, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Jennifer Egan, Sylvia Plath

Pinned this week, for your storytelling pleasure:Interviewland: Wells Tower talked to Bookforum about alternating between the worlds of journalism and fiction. When asked what he makes of longform’s new popularity…
Reporting the long arc of trauma recovery

Reporting the long arc of trauma recovery

A Seattle Times intern resisted easy news angles to learn the truth of recovery for five women mountain bikers who survived a cougar attack
Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

Embedded war reporting with courage and common sense

"Your eyes and ears and nose should be wide open the whole time." ~ Luke Mogelson of The New Yorker on reporting from the front lines
How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to 'humanize the horrendous'

How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to ‘humanize the horrendous’

After the Florida condo collapse, Matt Sullivan vowed not to forget a teen survivor. The year-later profile has credibility, empathy and a haunting ending
A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

Great story ideas are everywhere, and Corinne Purtill spotted a gem on a family trip to the Los Angeles Zoo, where she learned the story of a celebrity with a…
Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

At the end of each semester, after all the discussions of craft, I remind my reporting students at the Missouri School of Journalism the why of it all: the larger…
Literary Forensics: How to edit (and self-edit) from the inside out

Literary Forensics: How to edit (and self-edit) from the inside out

Here is a self-editing origin story:I was back from my first truly big reporting assignment, which was to cover the 1984-85 famine in the sub-Sahara. I was exhausted, emotional about…
How Memorial Day memories become today's stories

How Memorial Day memories become today’s stories

The Memorial Day weekend caught me by surprise. After 16 months of no travel, and a schedule dictated only by this weekly newsletter, I lost the daily rhythm of showing…