Search results for “power of storytelling”

Showing 457 results
For Halloween week, supernatural podcasts and the haunting of Joan Didion

For Halloween week, supernatural podcasts and the haunting of Joan Didion

A weekly roundup of some favorite things, for your reading and listening pleasure
5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book "Immersion"

5(ish) Questions: Abbie Gascho Landis and the surprising climate book “Immersion”

The photograph on the cover of  Abbie Gascho Landis’ “Immersion” is the first hint that the book is going to be surprising. The image is at once coy and inviting,…
Love and laughter and Dorothy Parker: sounds like the name of a cool movie, no?

Love and laughter and Dorothy Parker: sounds like the name of a cool movie, no?

Sometimes, when the world is too much with us, we just need a love story or a laugh. This week, Storyboard obliged with lots of both. We talked to the…
5(ish) Questions: Mandy Len Catron and "How to Fall in Love With Anyone"

5(ish) Questions: Mandy Len Catron and “How to Fall in Love With Anyone”

Perhaps you’ve read that Modern Love essay in The New York Times, the one that zipped around the country along internet tethers and social media synapses in 2015 like contagious…
Neo-Nazis, childhood abuse and even a solemn E.B. White -- here's to better weeks

Neo-Nazis, childhood abuse and even a solemn E.B. White — here’s to better weeks

This has been an unsettling week. Who will forget the look on that one Charlottesville marcher’s face, a terrible echo of the hate seen on other faces as Hitler rose…
How a midcareer print writer mastered the "magic stick" in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

How a midcareer print writer mastered the “magic stick” in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

Nearly two years ago, I was one of dozens of Los Angeles Times reporters who took a buyout and left the paper. I liked my job almost all the time.…
"Lolita," lobsters and David Foster Wallace: Now that's what we call a party

“Lolita,” lobsters and David Foster Wallace: Now that’s what we call a party

The annual Maine Lobster Festival is underway, so it seemed like a good time to go big on lobsters. Of course, festival organizers might not have been huge fans of David…
In a South African cookbook-memory book, recapturing a life that was lost to apartheid

In a South African cookbook-memory book, recapturing a life that was lost to apartheid

"Huis Kombuis" offers an old-fashioned spin on multimedia storytelling: a collective memoir with lovingly hand-stitched recipes honoring a demolished neighborhood -- and a past that couldn't be destroyed
5(ish) Questions: Mark Follman and "The True Cost of Gun Violence in America"

5(ish) Questions: Mark Follman and “The True Cost of Gun Violence in America”

Few journalists are more versed in guns and gun violence than Mark Follman. As national affairs editor for Mother Jones, Follman has led a series of landmark investigations into everything…
5(ish) Questions: Bonnie Ford and "The Promise Rio Couldn't Keep"

5(ish) Questions: Bonnie Ford and “The Promise Rio Couldn’t Keep”

The 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics offered a host of memorable storylines: 28-time medal winner Michael Phelps’ final race, Ryan Lochte’s bizarre fabrication of a gunpoint robbery, and the…