Search results for “so you want to write a book”

Showing 998 results
Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

AP reporter Tim Sullivan found a small town on the Minnesota prairie to explore the political chasms exposed by COVID
Reporting trauma: Jessica Ravitz on farmer suicides

Reporting trauma: Jessica Ravitz on farmer suicides

Ravitz made time and space for a daughter and son to talk about their father's death in hopes of helping others
When writing sparks writing

When writing sparks writing

Earlier this month, we posted a short “One Great Moment” piece on a dazzling line of dialog from the new-this-season Netflix movie “A Boy Called Christmas.” Dame Maggie Smith is…
An obit gets honest and goes viral

An obit gets honest and goes viral

“A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday.” That’s the first line of the unforgettable obit of Renay Mandel Corren, who died in December at age 84.…
How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the "troubled teen industry"

How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the “troubled teen industry”

Aviv scoured court records, social media and personal journals to reveal the abuses of a system of unregulated Christian boarding schools
How an "immersionist" held up the story of one homeless child as "a mirror to America"

How an “immersionist” held up the story of one homeless child as “a mirror to America”

Pulitzer-winner Andrea Elliott of The New York Times followed a homeless child named Dasani for eight years, from newspaper project to book
A profile of one family divided by vaccine politics reflects the divide of a nation

A profile of one family divided by vaccine politics reflects the divide of a nation

Peter Jamison of The Washington Post immerses into the emotional chasm of a family struggling with divergent views and a sudden death
"It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats."

“It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats.”

Writing, at its best, is a visual art. It makes readers see. It paints scenes and action and characters in their minds. Brain science studies indicate that people actually hear…
Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don't stop it

Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don’t stop it

For the past five years, John Woodrow Cox has worked to master the art of helping children talk about a fraught but rarely covered subject — the long-term physical and…
"That's what writing is, after all the nonsense..."

“That’s what writing is, after all the nonsense…”

Some book purists may cringe at this, but one test of a great book, to me, is how many pages are dogeared by the time I finish. Those are the…