Search results for “so you want to write a book”

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A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

Great story ideas are everywhere, and Corinne Purtill spotted a gem on a family trip to the Los Angeles Zoo, where she learned the story of a celebrity with a…
What to do when words fail you

What to do when words fail you

Sometimes the words just don’t work. I don’t mean they don’t come together easily or work well or string together in pretty rhythms. Those are annoyances we seldom get to…
A writer's tribute to Roger Angell: For the love of the reading journey

A writer’s tribute to Roger Angell: For the love of the reading journey

"Sports Guy" author and politics blogger Charles P. Pierce with a reflection on legendary sportswriter and baseball fan Roger Angell
Not your usual police report

Not your usual police report

Cop-shop PIOs typically don’t ruminate on life in a small city or make jokes at their own expense. At least, not on social media. But since 2014, Tim Cotton —…
What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

The longer I dwell in the world, the more I believe our greatest values, as human beings and as journalists, come through empathy and listening. Also, alas, our greatest failures.…
An Atlantic writer turned a fatal blow into a sensitive study of boxing, guilt and grit

An Atlantic writer turned a fatal blow into a sensitive study of boxing, guilt and grit

Jacob Stern knew nothing about boxing when he set out to ask a painful question: How can a boxer who killed an opponent return to the ring?
The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

A charter member of IRE carried lessons from Didion's probe of the 1989 Central Park jogger case throughout his career
The wisdom of babes, the sounds of music, and tasty stories to chew on

The wisdom of babes, the sounds of music, and tasty stories to chew on

It would have been easy but discouraging to spend an entire year of Storyboard featuring stories about homelessness, climate woes and, of course, COVID-19. It would be tempting to identify…
Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Many — maybe most — journalists aspire to write a book. Back in the day, more than a few of them had a work-in-progress hidden in the bottom drawer of…
Reporting the untold tales of executioners' songs

Reporting the untold tales of executioners’ songs

South Carolina reporter Chiara Eisner used public records and sensitive sourcing to tell stories of people who execute condemned prisoners