Search results for “the pitch”

Showing 336 results
Courage and empathy: Winners of the 2023 American Mosaic Journalism Prize

Courage and empathy: Winners of the 2023 American Mosaic Journalism Prize

By Monique Brouillette and Jacqui BanaszynskiCongratulations to Cerise Castle and Carvell Wallace, this year’s recipients of the American Mosaic Journalism Prize. The prize was launched in 2018 by the Heising-Simons…
Spending time to report a meditation on the long tail of grief

Spending time to report a meditation on the long tail of grief

A team from The New York Times immersed itself in Uvalde, Texas, after the "media horde" left and showed the fuller horror of a mass shooting
The not-so-secret secret to winning a Pulitzer

The not-so-secret secret to winning a Pulitzer

By Jacqui BanaszynskiIt was a favorite diversion of mine, when I was teaching at the Missouri School of Journalism, to wander down the hall from my office to the newsroom…
Sex and cats: The 2022 people's choice awards

Sex and cats: The 2022 people’s choice awards

Analytics measure more and more in our lives. I receive a report every week sending me stats that show how Storyboard posts performed on eight different measures. Eight.Everything seems to…
How curiosity about cats inspired practical science stories

How curiosity about cats inspired practical science stories

By Philip KieferIn the last several weeks, Katherine J. Wu, a science writer at the Atlantic, has written a lot about cats. Her run started in late August with a…
How the WriterL came to be: The origin story of a narrative community

How the WriterL came to be: The origin story of a narrative community

EDITOR’S NOTE: “A Place Called WriterL” is a new collection of some of the listserv discussions about narrative journalism held in the late 1990s through the early 2010s. In a…
Print beat reporting vs documentary film drama: Pros and cons

Print beat reporting vs documentary film drama: Pros and cons

The Pulitzer-winning aerospace reporter for the Seattle Times became both source and star of a doc film about the Boeing 737 MAX
What reporters need from editors and editors need from reporters

What reporters need from editors and editors need from reporters

A partnership between narrative journalists Jan Winburn and Moni Basu led to deep stories and a deep friendship
Teaching (or learning) story craft? Storyboard is here to help

Teaching (or learning) story craft? Storyboard is here to help

We interrupt your syllabus prep with this important message:Consider Nieman Storyboard as a resource – and even publication destination – in your reporting, writing and journalism ethics courses.Storyboard is a…
Combing through clips, records and emotions for lessons from the past

Combing through clips, records and emotions for lessons from the past

A Los Angeles Times reporter revisited a little-known U.S. Supreme Court abortion rights case that helped pave the way for Roe v. Wade