Search results for “the pitch”

Showing 336 results
Hacking and whacking the way to writing clarity — and pie

Hacking and whacking the way to writing clarity — and pie

An author and freelancer contemplates story craft as she tames and harvests the blackberry brambles on her land
J-school everywhere, everyday

J-school everywhere, everyday

The start of a new school year is upon us. That may have some feeling excited — days spent with old and new friends, new adventures in learning and all…
How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to 'humanize the horrendous'

How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to ‘humanize the horrendous’

After the Florida condo collapse, Matt Sullivan vowed not to forget a teen survivor. The year-later profile has credibility, empathy and a haunting ending
So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

So you want to write a book? Brace yourself for some serious self-promotion and, yes, TikTok

First published in the wine-and-dine era, Lauren Kessler now manages a blog, Instagram account, YouTube videos and more to help market her books
A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

A science writer with comedic timing profiles an alligator with star power

Great story ideas are everywhere, and Corinne Purtill spotted a gem on a family trip to the Los Angeles Zoo, where she learned the story of a celebrity with a…
A reporter explores the laws and emotion involved in helping her father die

A reporter explores the laws and emotion involved in helping her father die

Bloomberg investigative reporter Esmé Deprez researched a range of death-with-dignity issues after becoming her father's end-of-life partner
A writer's tribute to Roger Angell: For the love of the reading journey

A writer’s tribute to Roger Angell: For the love of the reading journey

"Sports Guy" author and politics blogger Charles P. Pierce with a reflection on legendary sportswriter and baseball fan Roger Angell
So you want to write a book? Part 1: Have a strong story and resilient ego

So you want to write a book? Part 1: Have a strong story and resilient ego

Newspaper reporter Bryan Denson outlines how he went from rejection to multiple book contracts
Reporting trauma: Jessica Ravitz on farmer suicides

Reporting trauma: Jessica Ravitz on farmer suicides

Ravitz made time and space for a daughter and son to talk about their father's death in hopes of helping others
An obit gets honest and goes viral

An obit gets honest and goes viral

“A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday.” That’s the first line of the unforgettable obit of Renay Mandel Corren, who died in December at age 84.…