Search results for “writing the book”

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2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. Read Ellen Barry on first-person narratives, Lizzie Johnson on deadline narratives and Debbie Cenziper…
2022 Power of Narrative: Lizzie Johnson on questions that shape deadline narratives

2022 Power of Narrative: Lizzie Johnson on questions that shape deadline narratives

As the wildfire reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, Johnson looked beyond events to people and place for award-winning work
Not your usual police report

Not your usual police report

Cop-shop PIOs typically don’t ruminate on life in a small city or make jokes at their own expense. At least, not on social media. But since 2014, Tim Cotton —…
Reading fiction through the filter of current events

Reading fiction through the filter of current events

Who we are when we encounter a story can have a lot to do with how we engage with that story and what meaning we take from it. Our age,…
The pioneering narrative work of "girl stunt reporters"

The pioneering narrative work of “girl stunt reporters”

How Nellie Bly and a sisterhood of crusaders foreshadowed today's narrative nonfiction
What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

The longer I dwell in the world, the more I believe our greatest values, as human beings and as journalists, come through empathy and listening. Also, alas, our greatest failures.…
How a reporter found the true story behind a false story of sex trafficking

How a reporter found the true story behind a false story of sex trafficking

Jessica Contrera of The Washington Post revealed the numerous victims of a viral internet thread, from a retailer to a 13-year-old girl
Comedian Chris Gethard on the power of listening

Comedian Chris Gethard on the power of listening

Chris Gethard’s career may be the most zigzag-filled in comedy.He’s the author of several books, including “Lose Well,” on the importance of failure; an actor who’s appeared in high-profile TV…
Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

AP reporter Tim Sullivan found a small town on the Minnesota prairie to explore the political chasms exposed by COVID
Sticking a story together — and nailing the structure

Sticking a story together — and nailing the structure

A top Danish journalist uses a one-word theme and color-coded Post-its to find the path through her stories