Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
An obit gets honest and goes viral

An obit gets honest and goes viral

“A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday.” That’s the first line of the unforgettable obit of Renay Mandel Corren, who died in December at age 84.…
An Atlantic writer turned a fatal blow into a sensitive study of boxing, guilt and grit

An Atlantic writer turned a fatal blow into a sensitive study of boxing, guilt and grit

Jacob Stern knew nothing about boxing when he set out to ask a painful question: How can a boxer who killed an opponent return to the ring?
The making of Joan Didion: From fuzzy facts to peerless prose

The making of Joan Didion: From fuzzy facts to peerless prose

A re-read of Didion's work shows the evolution of excellence that came through years of hard work and self scrutiny
The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

A charter member of IRE carried lessons from Didion's probe of the 1989 Central Park jogger case throughout his career
Reconstructing 72 hours of life and death under the "heat dome"

Reconstructing 72 hours of life and death under the “heat dome”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Temperatures in the Pacific Northwest were sitting in the single digits, with rare snow in the cities along the I-5 corridor, as this piece came in for editing.…
How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the "troubled teen industry"

How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the “troubled teen industry”

Aviv scoured court records, social media and personal journals to reveal the abuses of a system of unregulated Christian boarding schools
Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

At the end of each semester, after all the discussions of craft, I remind my reporting students at the Missouri School of Journalism the why of it all: the larger…
The wisdom of babes, the sounds of music, and tasty stories to chew on

The wisdom of babes, the sounds of music, and tasty stories to chew on

It would have been easy but discouraging to spend an entire year of Storyboard featuring stories about homelessness, climate woes and, of course, COVID-19. It would be tempting to identify…
The multiplier effect of one good teacher

The multiplier effect of one good teacher

You know those pin-dot graphics that the data dudes produce that show how things are both clustered and connected? Things like who uses Twitter, or COVID rates in red- and…
How an "immersionist" held up the story of one homeless child as "a mirror to America"

How an “immersionist” held up the story of one homeless child as “a mirror to America”

Pulitzer-winner Andrea Elliott of The New York Times followed a homeless child named Dasani for eight years, from newspaper project to book