Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 1132 results

Tom Shroder, former Washington Post Magazine editor, on dinner plates and well-done narrative

This week, I had a chance to talk by phone with Tom Shroder, who took a buyout from The Washington Post earlier this year. Shroder specializes in long-form narrative stories…

Tommy Tomlinson: making words work for a living

A few years ago an intern did a study of the writing that showed up in our newspaper. He ran our stories through a computer program that measured the reading…

How Twitter’s @longreads helps readers cozy up to digital narratives

[First in an occasional series aimed at helping readers find other online resources that focus on narrative journalism.] Plenty of people are worried about the future of long-form journalism. Not…

Narrative reporting and the danger of the single story

Current Nieman fellow Hopewell Rugoho-Chin’ono recently pointed out this striking TED talk from July, in which Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speaks on the danger of letting one narrative define…
Interview with Mary Gaitskill: lessons from "Lost Cat"

Interview with Mary Gaitskill: lessons from "Lost Cat"

Today we offer the second installment of a two-part look at narrative nonfiction from Granta’s summer issue. I spoke with author Mary Gaitskill about “Lost Cat,” her memoir on the…

The Oregonian’s Shawn Levy on how to find the story

At last weekend’s American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors conference, keynote speaker Shawn Levy spoke about "getting the story" and the connections between writing books and journalism. The film…
Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Excerpts from a September 2009 interview with Chris Jones on "The End of Mystery," in which a team of investigators recovers bodies and determines the cause of a helicopter crash off the coast of…

Michael J. Mooney interview: Unseen lives

Excerpts from an August 2009 interview with Michael J. Mooney, reporter for Florida’s New Times, whose stories won a slot in the Best American Crime Reporting and Best American Sports…

Steve Luxenberg interview on Annie's Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret

Excerpts from a July 2009 interview with Steve Luxenberg on his memoir, which traces the discovery that his mother had an institutionalized sister whose existence she kept secret from her children for…

The Girl in the Window

“The Girl in the Window” is the story of Dani, a child so removed from normal human community she has been labeled “feral.” In this St. Petersburg Times piece, Lane DeGregory walks…