Search results for “writing+the+book”

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When writing sparks writing

When writing sparks writing

Lines from a Muriel Rukeyser poem echoed forward into the heart of a Christmas movie starring Dame Maggie Smith
Triple muses: a lake, a children's book and a long shower

Triple muses: a lake, a children’s book and a long shower

Bayfield, Wisconsin, is a charming little village, population 500 or so, that sits on the northernmost peninsula of the state, along the southern shore of Lake Superior. It looks out…
Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Many — maybe most — journalists aspire to write a book. Back in the day, more than a few of them had a work-in-progress hidden in the bottom drawer of…
"That's what writing is, after all the nonsense..."

“That’s what writing is, after all the nonsense…”

Some book purists may cringe at this, but one test of a great book, to me, is how many pages are dogeared by the time I finish. Those are the…
How listening to foreign languages can enrich your writing

How listening to foreign languages can enrich your writing

An author and essayist listens to stories in in their native tongues to hear new rhythms, phrasing and metaphor
A panoramic approach to a book about the Sept. 11 boat lift

A panoramic approach to a book about the Sept. 11 boat lift

In “The Art of Description: World into Word,” Mark Doty writes that Proust endeavored to “dilate the sentence toward its outer limit, so that one would feel the blur of…
A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

A retired newspaper man finds a new writing voice in the solitude of wilderness

Every year, or as often as I can, I go into the northern Minnesota woods, usually alone now, seeking tranquility and time to brood and reflect.And I write while I’m…
Empathy as the prime directive in writing about displaced people

Empathy as the prime directive in writing about displaced people

We are living in a century of displacement, says Jessica Goudeau, award-winning author of “After the Last Border: Two Families and the Story of Refuge in America.” And because we…
Sage writing advice from the editor of Column One

Sage writing advice from the editor of Column One

Steve Padilla of the Los Angeles Times urges writers to tune up their writing with song
“I spent my career writing hard news. That's me.”

“I spent my career writing hard news. That’s me.”

If you’re not a fan of “A River Runs Through It,” it can only be because you haven’t read it yet. Norman Maclean’s 1976 novella of family dynamics plays out…