Search results for “writing the book”

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A new freelance business works like a "dating app for fact-checking"

A new freelance business works like a “dating app for fact-checking”

Journalist and entrepreneur Wudan Yan launches "Factual" to match writers and publications with freelance fact-checkers to ensure accuracy
Daring to bring humor and wonder to serious subjects

Daring to bring humor and wonder to serious subjects

Tom Whipple of the Times of London celebrates the return of beavers to urban England with a "jam sandwich" structure and an inviting voice
5 shared lessons from some masters of narrative nonfiction

5 shared lessons from some masters of narrative nonfiction

A journalist starting her career turned to the older generation of "new journalists" to learn the skills and ethics of narrative
How a freelancer's story instincts landed a piece in The New York Times

How a freelancer’s story instincts landed a piece in The New York Times

Erika Hayasaki found characters, scenes and themes in the aftermath of the Maui wildfires that she couldn't set aside despite multiple rejections
How investigative master Seymour Hersh broke the story of the My Lai massacre

How investigative master Seymour Hersh broke the story of the My Lai massacre

A round-about tip, a dogged pursuit and some creative tactics made the career of a young reporter and helped end a war
Setting up the next chapter of life's story

Setting up the next chapter of life’s story

After six-plus years, the Storyboard editor is handing the keyboard forward
When you can't paint over problems and need to tear your story down to the studs

When you can’t paint over problems and need to tear your story down to the studs

A kitchen renovation reminds a writer that not every story can be saved without a complete rewrite and a thoughtful blueprint
The allusions and confusions of regional references

The allusions and confusions of regional references

The editor muses on how cultural references have the power to make writing more intimate and authentic, but can also leave readers out
Reporting the long arc of trauma recovery

Reporting the long arc of trauma recovery

A Seattle Times intern resisted easy news angles to learn the truth of recovery for five women mountain bikers who survived a cougar attack
Reporting beyond shame and blame, secrets and stereotypes

Reporting beyond shame and blame, secrets and stereotypes

Esquire's Mark Warren immersed himself in evangelical Alabama to find the pain and grace behind a beloved pastor's suicide