Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1162 results
"It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats."

“It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats.”

Writing, at its best, is a visual art. It makes readers see. It paints scenes and action and characters in their minds. Brain science studies indicate that people actually hear…
#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

Pitching a story you want to pursue is not the time to hide your light under that proverbial bushel — or to sell what you can't deliver
Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don't stop it

Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don’t stop it

For the past five years, John Woodrow Cox has worked to master the art of helping children talk about a fraught but rarely covered subject — the long-term physical and…
50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

As a columnist and a memoir writer, a fundamental question I confront when I begin a piece is this: Do I view and portray this topic as black-and-white, or do…
Nut grafs: Triptych II ~ Pointed questions, including WHOGAS?

Nut grafs: Triptych II ~ Pointed questions, including WHOGAS?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week and this, we’re offering support to editors and educators for how to guide writers through an effective nut graf — however you spell it and whatever…
Nut grafs: A triptych of teaching approaches

Nut grafs: A triptych of teaching approaches

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week and this, we’re offering support to editors and educators for how to guide writers through an effective nut graf — however you spell it and whatever…
Nut grafs: Learning from literature, music, movie trailers and "the bones" of stories

Nut grafs: Learning from literature, music, movie trailers and “the bones” of stories

How Pulitzer-winning writer Tom French coaxes summary nut grafs (or sentences) from students and pros: They talk, he listens
Nut grafs (or graphs): How five sentences can help a writer focus

Nut grafs (or graphs): How five sentences can help a writer focus

A freelancer who teaches college journalism leaned on friends, social media, and a simple template to help students find the center of a story
Nut grafs: Getting to the heart of the story

Nut grafs: Getting to the heart of the story

Renowned editor and writing coach Jack Hart urges writers to build stories around a theme statement that establishes meaning and guides structure
Literary Forensics: How to edit (and self-edit) from the inside out

Literary Forensics: How to edit (and self-edit) from the inside out

Here is a self-editing origin story:I was back from my first truly big reporting assignment, which was to cover the 1984-85 famine in the sub-Sahara. I was exhausted, emotional about…