Keeping you up to date on all things Storyboard, we’d like to point out a few new features and opportunities you might have missed.
*We’ve collected some of our most popular chats with narrative storytellers in a new #longreads section, where you can read Q-and-A’s with David Grann, Pam Colloff, Buzz Bissinger, Gay Talese, Jeanne Marie Laskas, Lori Waselchuk — the list is growing.
*Thanks to a bit of social media magic you can now tweet and recommend your favorite posts directly from the site. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook!
*We’ve added a subscription-based newsletter summarizing what’s new on Storyboard. Subscribe here, and every few weeks we’ll send you a reminder of what’s been happening — and a taste of what’s coming up.
*We’re now taking pitches for our weekly “Why’s this so good?” series, in which a guest writer breaks down a favorite story or project. Here’s Radiolab’s Pat Walters on Burkhard Bilger, and narrative guru Ben Yagoda on Calvin Trillin, and NYU journalism professor Yvonne Latty on a groundbreaking bilingual multimedia narrative. If you’d like to write an installment, we’d love to hear from you. Details here.
*And coming soon: View Finder, a video-journalism column by the New York Times’ Sean Patrick Farrell, a video reporter and print writer who has covered daily and long-form documentary stories around the world. He’ll write about everything from the hallmarks of a winning project to the best multimedia tools for the modern field reporter.
Drop us a note if there’s narrative news you’d like to share or ideas you’d like to see us cover.
And as always, thanks for reading.
*We’ve collected some of our most popular chats with narrative storytellers in a new #longreads section, where you can read Q-and-A’s with David Grann, Pam Colloff, Buzz Bissinger, Gay Talese, Jeanne Marie Laskas, Lori Waselchuk — the list is growing.

*We’ve added a subscription-based newsletter summarizing what’s new on Storyboard. Subscribe here, and every few weeks we’ll send you a reminder of what’s been happening — and a taste of what’s coming up.
*We’re now taking pitches for our weekly “Why’s this so good?” series, in which a guest writer breaks down a favorite story or project. Here’s Radiolab’s Pat Walters on Burkhard Bilger, and narrative guru Ben Yagoda on Calvin Trillin, and NYU journalism professor Yvonne Latty on a groundbreaking bilingual multimedia narrative. If you’d like to write an installment, we’d love to hear from you. Details here.
*And coming soon: View Finder, a video-journalism column by the New York Times’ Sean Patrick Farrell, a video reporter and print writer who has covered daily and long-form documentary stories around the world. He’ll write about everything from the hallmarks of a winning project to the best multimedia tools for the modern field reporter.
Drop us a note if there’s narrative news you’d like to share or ideas you’d like to see us cover.
And as always, thanks for reading.