Join Nieman Storyboard on Pinterest! We're expanding our reach via categories on everything from reporting resources to tip sheets. Among our growing number of boards:
Narrative news: Fresh quick reads, pinned daily. Up now: How Twitter is shaping the future of storytelling, via Fast Company.
Nieman store: Links to details about the great and growing number of works published or sold by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, including our popular Telling True Stories anthology and The Future of News as We Know It, by Nieman Journalism Lab, one of our sister publications.
Inspired: Storytelling curios in journalism and beyond. Hemingway’s recommended reading list for young writers; the nine stages of story as told by a vase of flowers; a Dorothy Parker telegram proving all writers suffer; Henry Miller’s writing commandments; Harvard professor Stephen Burt on the intersection of poetry and news (from our sister publication Nieman Reports); Nieman alumna Megan O'Grady on the beauty of the counter-narrative.
Interviewland: Q-and-A’s on narrative and more. Conversations, so far, featuring Joan Didion, David Finkel, Michael Paterniti, John McPhee, Hunter S. Thompson, Janet Malcolm, Chris Jones, Joshuah Bearman, and Junot Diaz.
Gear: We're addicted to great pencils and pens and notebooks and gadgets and organizational ideas — and we like to share. So enjoy that.
Best of Storyboard: Good pieces you might’ve missed, including, for instance, a rollicking storytelling talk — plus a playlist — with ESPN The Magazine's Wright Thompson, and seven storytelling tips from Nora Ephron.
Wish list: We’re hoping someone writes a great narrative about … at the moment, cicadas. (The Radiolab Cicada Tracker is boss.)
Also: Syllabi, class props, tattoos and miscellany — with more to come.
Have fun in there.

Nieman store: Links to details about the great and growing number of works published or sold by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, including our popular Telling True Stories anthology and The Future of News as We Know It, by Nieman Journalism Lab, one of our sister publications.
Inspired: Storytelling curios in journalism and beyond. Hemingway’s recommended reading list for young writers; the nine stages of story as told by a vase of flowers; a Dorothy Parker telegram proving all writers suffer; Henry Miller’s writing commandments; Harvard professor Stephen Burt on the intersection of poetry and news (from our sister publication Nieman Reports); Nieman alumna Megan O'Grady on the beauty of the counter-narrative.
Interviewland: Q-and-A’s on narrative and more. Conversations, so far, featuring Joan Didion, David Finkel, Michael Paterniti, John McPhee, Hunter S. Thompson, Janet Malcolm, Chris Jones, Joshuah Bearman, and Junot Diaz.
Gear: We're addicted to great pencils and pens and notebooks and gadgets and organizational ideas — and we like to share. So enjoy that.
Best of Storyboard: Good pieces you might’ve missed, including, for instance, a rollicking storytelling talk — plus a playlist — with ESPN The Magazine's Wright Thompson, and seven storytelling tips from Nora Ephron.
Wish list: We’re hoping someone writes a great narrative about … at the moment, cicadas. (The Radiolab Cicada Tracker is boss.)
Also: Syllabi, class props, tattoos and miscellany — with more to come.
Have fun in there.