
“Frank Sinatra, holding a glass of bourbon in one hand and a cigarette in the other, stood in a dark corner of the bar between two attractive but fading blondes who sat waiting for him to say something.”

Why is it great? Yes, we deliberately launched this cool new feature with the first sentence of one of the most famous magazine articles of all time. Go big or…
Inaugurations of a different sort: the launch of two new features on Storyboard!

Inaugurations of a different sort: the launch of two new features on Storyboard!

We're starting up a weekly newsletter -- consider it a Friday treat to your inbox -- and a v. cool thing we're calling One Great Sentence.
Annotation Tuesday! Kathy Sawyer and the execution of the "Death Row Granny"

Annotation Tuesday! Kathy Sawyer and the execution of the “Death Row Granny”

More than 30 years ago, a journalism grad student clipped the Washington Post story as a great example of how to transform a deadline story with narrative details. He still…
Why's This So Good? Ta-Nehisi Coates and "My President Was Black"

Why’s This So Good? Ta-Nehisi Coates and “My President Was Black”

I was almost afraid to read “My President Was Black.” Ta-Nehisi Coates is such a tour de force, I was afraid that his words would wipe away my thoughts, his insights obliterate…
In flames: journalism under fire, and the terrible beauty of wildfire photography

In flames: journalism under fire, and the terrible beauty of wildfire photography

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
5 Questions: Abigail Keel and the RadioLab episode "Debatable"

5 Questions: Abigail Keel and the RadioLab episode “Debatable”

The young journalist, who explored the privileged world of debating societies and found a student who defies the stereotypes, talks about the podcasting ethos
5(ish) Questions: Photographer Stuart Palley and "Terra Flamma: Wildfires at Night"

5(ish) Questions: Photographer Stuart Palley and “Terra Flamma: Wildfires at Night”

The journalist talks about his remarkable (and otherworldly) chronicle of California’s never-ending season of drought-induced wildfires
Families on the edge: in print, online, on the screen

Families on the edge: in print, online, on the screen

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
Why's This So Good? Thomas Curwen and "The Loneliest War"

Why’s This So Good? Thomas Curwen and “The Loneliest War”

In this story on the "quiet" effects of PTSD, the Los Angeles Times writer realized that the heart of the narrative lay in the tension at home, not in the…
Annotation Tuesday! Jessica Weisberg and The Atavist's "A Family Matter"

Annotation Tuesday! Jessica Weisberg and The Atavist’s “A Family Matter”

The writer talks about immersive reporting for her story on two parents' fight to get their kids back from Child Protective Services, and her work across narrative platforms