
Kiera Feldman and disgrace in Broken Arrow

Our latest Notable Narrative is “Grace in Broken Arrow,” by Brooklyn-based freelancer Kiera Feldman. The long-form investigative narrative, about a child-sex-abuse scandal at Grace Fellowship Christian School outside Tulsa, Oklahoma, ran…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 44: Robert Kurson and the blind man

My love affair with narrative nonfiction was in its early stages when I first read Robert Kurson’s “Into the Light,” in the June 2005 edition of Esquire. I was mostly…
Buzz Bissinger on heart, luck, honesty, critics and the importance of switching things up

Buzz Bissinger on heart, luck, honesty, critics and the importance of switching things up

When Buzz Bissinger visited the Nieman Foundation last week, in some ways he was coming home. Twenty-six years ago, he finished his Nieman year inspired to do new and different…
Father's Day, by Buzz Bissinger: an excerpt

Father's Day, by Buzz Bissinger: an excerpt

Narrative legend Buzz Bissinger, whose books include A Prayer for the City and the No. 1 New York Times best-seller Friday Night Lights, visited his alma mater the Nieman Foundation last week…
"Why's this so good?" No. 43: "Radio Diaries" on teenage drama

"Why’s this so good?" No. 43: "Radio Diaries" on teenage drama

Boxing stories leave me cold. Like many sports stories, they seem to assume an audience of fans who will be thrilled − rather than sickened − by a narrative built on grueling workouts, bloodied…
The best of Storyboard: essays on craft

The best of Storyboard: essays on craft

If you’ve ever spent some time nosing around Storyboard you know we archive everything from interactive narratives to original essays on craft, in which masters such as Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, Rick Meyer and…
What we're following: truthiness in narrative

What we're following: truthiness in narrative

It’s been a volatile few months for ethics in storytelling, what with the unprecedented “This American Life” retraction of monologist Mike Daisey’s Apple story, and with the unfurled furor over…

"Why's this so good?" No. 42: Tom Hallman and timeless forgiveness

Years ago, the wonderful Walt Harrington came to our newsroom and fired us up. We were at the start of a storytelling revival, trying to find our way back to craft, and…
Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

Wright Thompson on identity, clarity, editing, voodoo and the deadline virtues of Lionel Ritchie

We chose Wright Thompson’s piece “The Kid Who Wasn't There” as our latest Notable Narrative because the story added a chilling layer to the odd life story of Guerdwich…

Wright Thompson and the lingering saga of a lone star

Our new “Notable Narrative,” “The Kid Who Wasn’t There,” by Wright Thompson of and ESPN The Magazine, unearths the other half of the strange tale of Guerdwich Montimere, a…