
Walk on the wild side: animal stories that don’t stand up

When it comes to wildlife narratives, writer Bryan Christy wants more accountability from reporters.Christy wrote us in response to our Friday issue of the Narrative Digest, which featured coverage of a zoo, a…

Aminatta Forna interview on "The Last Vet"

We recently talked with Aminatta Forna about her Granta essay “The Last Vet,” which follows the work of Dr. Gudush Jalloh in his clinic at Freetown, Sierra Leone. Forna, who…
Aminatta Forna's "The Last Vet": a dog's life

Aminatta Forna’s "The Last Vet": a dog’s life

Our latest Notable Narrative traces relations between humans and animals in the poorest country on earth. In “The Last Vet,” which appeared in the winter 2009 issue of Granta, writer…
Chris Jones, Roger Ebert and the possibilities of online narrative (or “does this story ever end?”)

Chris Jones, Roger Ebert and the possibilities of online narrative (or “does this story ever end?”)

When it comes to writing profiles, Esquire’s Chris Jones is used to getting the last word. But a few weeks ago, when Jones worked his storytelling mojo on Roger Ebert,…
Frontline and the International Center of Photography look at news narratives for a digital era

Frontline and the International Center of Photography look at news narratives for a digital era

How will digital opportunities change the way we tell stories? Earlier this month in New York City, a roundtable of journalists from major media outlets and community-oriented news organizations met…
Paul Raeburn, Ira Glass, and just some of the ways a story can go wrong

Paul Raeburn, Ira Glass, and just some of the ways a story can go wrong

Yesterday, Paul Raeburn at the Knight Science Journalism Tracker took the stuffing out of a New York Times medical piece. The story, by Gardiner Harris, reveals a secret recording of…
Narrative nonfiction events and conferences--is there something here for you?

Narrative nonfiction events and conferences–is there something here for you?

While tracking digital narrative experiments, we at Storyboard also aim to keep readers informed about the world of traditional print narratives. Today we’ve compiled a list of upcoming events for…
Rick Moody's "Amazing Tale" invites readers to step right up

Rick Moody’s "Amazing Tale" invites readers to step right up

Our latest Notable Narrative plays a wonderful game of fulfilling expectations in surprising ways. In the January 2010 issue of Details, Rick Moody’s “The Amazing Tale of the High School…

The Small Story: long live the community-minded newspaper narrative

Cara Solomon sweats the small stuff.After a failed career as a television news intern and eight successful years as a print reporter, Solomon left her newspaper job on the West Coast…
Peggy Nelson on new media narratives: "Every Twitter account is a character"

Peggy Nelson on new media narratives: "Every Twitter account is a character"

We talked this week with Peggy Nelson, a new media artist who has spent the last several years doing digital and virtual storytelling. While Nelson’s work is rooted in conceptual…