Author Tom Shroder, former Washington Post Magazine editor, on dinner plates and well-done narrative This week, I had a chance to talk by phone with Tom Shroder, who took a buyout from The Washington Post earlier this year. Shroder specializes in long-form narrative stories… October 28, 2009 Tommy Tomlinson: making words work for a living A few years ago an intern did a study of the writing that showed up in our newspaper. He ran our stories through a computer program that measured the reading… October 27, 2009 GQ and The New Yorker: two takes on brain damage from football For a primer on different approaches to storytelling, take a look at two recent narratives on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). In GQ, Jeanne Marie Laskas’ “Game Brain” follows a pathologist… October 26, 2009 Hilton Als and Michael Jackson: do we really need another story? The best print narratives often take the form of either movie or metaphor. The first approach hinges on complete scenes, allowing a story to unfold as it would in film,… October 23, 2009 Sexual Warfare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Our latest Notable Narrative comes from The Sydney Morning Herald. Photojournalist Kate Geraghty and reporter Jonathan Pearlman have assembled striking still images, video and reported summaries to document the systematic… October 23, 2009 Meanwhile over at Nieman Lab… Josh Benton has a post about online narratives at our sister site, the Nieman Journalism Lab. Here’s an excerpt from it, describing a story that appeared on Gawker:“Thomas’ story is about… October 22, 2009 Confessions of a podcaster Long-form, narrative radio—that’s the kind of radio many of us dreamed of doing when we started in the business, before so much of it, for reasons both economic and stylistic,… October 20, 2009 Abducted in Afghanistan: David Rohde’s story This weekend, The New York Times began running a five-part series from reporter David Rohde, who was kidnapped in Afghanistan in 2008 and remained in captivity for seven months and… October 19, 2009 How Twitter’s @longreads helps readers cozy up to digital narratives [First in an occasional series aimed at helping readers find other online resources that focus on narrative journalism.] Plenty of people are worried about the future of long-form journalism. Not… October 16, 2009 The New York Times Magazine and the moral essay Last Sunday’s New York Times Magazine included a personal essay from novelist Jonathan Safran Foer, “Against Meat,” which recounts his struggles with whether or not to eat (or teach his… October 15, 2009 Previous 1 … 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 … 240 Next