
Solstice stories

Solstice stories

Hanukkah came early this year. Christmas is on the near horizon, with Kwanzaa a day later. Other cultures have other traditions this time of year, some religious,…
Triple muses: a lake, a children's book and a long shower

Triple muses: a lake, a children’s book and a long shower

Bayfield, Wisconsin, is a charming little village, population 500 or so, that sits on the northernmost peninsula of the state, along the southern shore of Lake Superior. It looks out…
"... sequestered neighborhoods and old hates that die hard or leave a residue ..."

“… sequestered neighborhoods and old hates that die hard or leave a residue …”

News that the United States now counts 800,000-plus deaths from COVID-19 — more than reported in any country in the world — made headlines earlier this week. The worldwide number…
Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Tempted to self-publish that book? Here are some things to know

Many — maybe most — journalists aspire to write a book. Back in the day, more than a few of them had a work-in-progress hidden in the bottom drawer of…
The multiplier effect of one good teacher

The multiplier effect of one good teacher

You know those pin-dot graphics that the data dudes produce that show how things are both clustered and connected? Things like who uses Twitter, or COVID rates in red- and…
How an "immersionist" held up the story of one homeless child as "a mirror to America"

How an “immersionist” held up the story of one homeless child as “a mirror to America”

Pulitzer-winner Andrea Elliott of The New York Times followed a homeless child named Dasani for eight years, from newspaper project to book
Writing that dares to sing

Writing that dares to sing

In the mood for a musical interlude — one that doesn’t involve the endless loop of holiday classics? Consider “The Beatles: Get Back,” running now on Disney+. (Don’t have Disney+? Find…
Reporting the untold tales of executioners' songs

Reporting the untold tales of executioners’ songs

South Carolina reporter Chiara Eisner used public records and sensitive sourcing to tell stories of people who execute condemned prisoners
How to tell a good story, by Stephen Sondheim: Hummable helps

How to tell a good story, by Stephen Sondheim: Hummable helps

Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri pays tribute to the musical theater genius and "artifice (that) is in service of a higher truth."
A profile of one family divided by vaccine politics reflects the divide of a nation

A profile of one family divided by vaccine politics reflects the divide of a nation

Peter Jamison of The Washington Post immerses into the emotional chasm of a family struggling with divergent views and a sudden death