
Nerding out on big weather, a big lake and and a little Gordon Lightfoot

Nerding out on big weather, a big lake and and a little Gordon Lightfoot

First, let’s get this out of the way: Rumors of Gordon Lightfoot’s death, which have circulated on social media for 20 years now, continue to be premature. Apparently the Canadian…
The spiraling nature of news

The spiraling nature of news

The news just never takes a rest, does it? Or maybe it’s a variation on the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, aka frequency bias: Once you’ve tapped into a certain story, related stories…
Editing advice from the world's best story critic: a child

Editing advice from the world’s best story critic: a child

I had an exchange the other night with my 4 ½-year-old daughter about what qualifies as a story. Who knew one of the joys of parenthood would be to see…
"It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats."

“It smelled like margarine and white bread, marriage and cramped flats.”

Writing, at its best, is a visual art. It makes readers see. It paints scenes and action and characters in their minds. Brain science studies indicate that people actually hear…
Stumbling into a social media community

Stumbling into a social media community

A few words on social media. I’m not going to get mired in the meta-mess that is Meta, the New&Never Improved Facebook. That’s well-trod territory. I admire and envy friends…
#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

#7 rule of pitching: Prove your skills and your passion

Pitching a story you want to pursue is not the time to hide your light under that proverbial bushel — or to sell what you can't deliver
Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don't stop it

Immersing into the lives of children damaged by gun violence, and laws that don’t stop it

John Woodrow Cox of The Washington Post talks to kids like an adult, sits on their bedroom floors, and doesn't push until they're OK with him
"That's what writing is, after all the nonsense..."

“That’s what writing is, after all the nonsense…”

Some book purists may cringe at this, but one test of a great book, to me, is how many pages are dogeared by the time I finish. Those are the…
50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

50 shades of nuance in a polarized world

As a columnist and a memoir writer, a fundamental question I confront when I begin a piece is this: Do I view and portray this topic as black-and-white, or do…
Nut grafs: Triptych III ~ Sex, Springsteen and late-night rambles

Nut grafs: Triptych III ~ Sex, Springsteen and late-night rambles

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week and this, we’re offering support to editors and educators for how to guide writers through an effective nut graf — however you spell it and whatever…