
Jacqui Banaszynski


Jacqui Banaszynski retired as the endowed Knight Chair in Editing at the Missouri School of Journalism in 2017, is editor at Nieman Storyboard, and a faculty fellow at the Poynter Institute. She won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize in feature writing for “AIDS in the Heartland,” a series about a gay farm couple facing AIDS, and was a finalist for the 1986 Pulitzer in international reporting for her account of the sub-Saharan famine.

Personal stories on what Afghan women want the rest of us to know

Personal stories on what Afghan women want the rest of us to know

A young journalist who escaped Afghanistan returns a year later, by reote, to report the reality for the women left behind
Small news that hits big close to home

Small news that hits big close to home

Journalist Kelley Benham French turned an active-shooter lockdown into a teachable moment for her college students — and herself
What reporters need from editors and editors need from reporters

What reporters need from editors and editors need from reporters

A partnership between narrative journalists Jan Winburn and Moni Basu led to deep stories and a deep friendship
How M*A*S*H* practiced journalism to deepen its storytelling

How M*A*S*H* practiced journalism to deepen its storytelling

Story craft surrounds us, not just in journalism but in pretty much everything I can think of. Proof, I guess, that humans are hard-wired for story. It teaches, informs, entertains,…
A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast

A top Danish journalist reflects society in autopsies, trans surgery and pork roast

Author and narrative reporter Line Vaaben offers gems from her 20-year immersion into the craft of storytelling
How narratives defined a Queen and a Queen changed a narrative

How narratives defined a Queen and a Queen changed a narrative

The Queen is dead. Long live the King.OK, that may be the most predictable line I’ve ever written, but a version of it has been working for the Brits for,…
Teaching (or learning) story craft? Storyboard is here to help

Teaching (or learning) story craft? Storyboard is here to help

We interrupt your syllabus prep with this important message:Consider Nieman Storyboard as a resource – and even publication destination – in your reporting, writing and journalism ethics courses.Storyboard is a…
Cutting through compassion fatigue with sensory writing

Cutting through compassion fatigue with sensory writing

War can become an abstraction unless, of course, you’re in the middle of it. We can read about it or see images, which often are more powerful than words in…
Storytelling that reaches through your feet to your soul

Storytelling that reaches through your feet to your soul

It’s probably a good thing I missed the memo about suggested attire to the Chicks concert earlier this month. I don’t have a straw cowboy hat. My days of strappy…
J-school everywhere, everyday

J-school everywhere, everyday

The start of a new school year is upon us. That may have some feeling excited — days spent with old and new friends, new adventures in learning and all…