
Josh Roiland


Josh Roiland is an assistant professor and CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Journalism in the Department of American Studies and the Honors College at the University of Maine. He’s currently working on two book manuscripts: The Elements of Literary Journalism: The Political Promise of Narrative News and The Rest is Silence: The Unexplored Nonfiction of David Foster Wallace.

Annotation Tuesday! (Back-to-School Edition) Josh Roiland and His ‘Literary Journalism in America’ Syllabus

Below is an annotated version of my syllabus for the class “Literary Journalism in America.” I’ve taught this class eight times: five as part of the SAGES program at Case…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 87: Hunter S. Thompson and the Kentucky Derby

It’s easy to miss. A sobering second, surrounded by intemperance. But there it is, the transitional scene after Hunter S. Thompson opens “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved” with…