Story Craft

Lessons from biographer Robert Caro's instructive mini-memoir "Working"

Lessons from biographer Robert Caro’s instructive mini-memoir “Working”

If there were no Robert Caro, he could not easily be invented. Consider the job description: Commit your career to exhaustive research into the lives of two legendarily powerful men,…
The story in the music — and the music in how the story is written

The story in the music — and the music in how the story is written

I fall to pieces every time I hear a recording of Patsy Cline singing “Crazy” or “Sweet Dreams” — or “I Fall to Pieces” — and it’s not just because…
If it was good enough for Jane Austen ...

If it was good enough for Jane Austen …

My mother’s reverence for education, a solid grounding in middle-school grammar, and a long career in old-school journalism has chiseled me into one of those people who honors language, and…
Shop class: Stuck before you start? Eat a cookie, take a walk, set it out for the elves

Shop class: Stuck before you start? Eat a cookie, take a walk, set it out for the elves

Advice to a blocked writer from others who have suffered the same
Lessons from a relentless "Reporter"

Lessons from a relentless “Reporter”

“Reporter” had to be the inevitable title for legendary investigative journalist Seymour M. Hersh’s 2018 autobiography. It’s perfect — a simple, proud word that encompasses craft, passion and conscience. In…
Roy Peter Clark on the search for the "embedded narrative"

Roy Peter Clark on the search for the “embedded narrative”

 Not long ago, I came out of a theater in Tampa, Florida, and heard someone calling my name. It was Adan Martinez, a young college student who had just performed…
Foreshadow forward; echo back. How writers harness the power of the callback

Foreshadow forward; echo back. How writers harness the power of the callback

The art of the callback in comedy, film, literature and journalism: When repetition isn't redundancy, but theme and structure
A young journalist is inspired by fickle spring weather (and an old newspaper story)

A young journalist is inspired by fickle spring weather (and an old newspaper story)

How a 300-word assignment, and a quick read of Ken Fuson's "What a Day!" from 1995, was channeled into a nonfiction prose poem
Learning from what seem the unkindest cuts

Learning from what seem the unkindest cuts

A science journalist comes to terms with what is lost — and not — when favorite passages are edited out of her long-form story
Hitting home runs with story pitches

Hitting home runs with story pitches

Agents and editors at the 2019 Power of Narrative conference lob feedback and advice in a live pitch session