Story Craft

The why, who and how of interviews

The why, who and how of interviews

A reporter/editor/teacher recommends stepping back to take a crucial first step of thought and planning to ensure effective interviews
2024 Power of Narrative: How to bring empathy to your reporting

2024 Power of Narrative: How to bring empathy to your reporting

Separating empathy from advocacy, and practicing it as a tool of better listening and more complete stories
2024 Power of Narrative: Double the power of your story with a braided structure

2024 Power of Narrative: Double the power of your story with a braided structure

In a long feature story, two related or resonant threads can be woven to make a piece that is both complex and clear
Power of Narrative: Compelling stories delivered on tight deadline

Power of Narrative: Compelling stories delivered on tight deadline

How The Wall Street Journal has produced the daily narrative podcast "The Journal." for five years with focused content and a classic story structure
Triad ledes: The power of three to tell the story of all

Triad ledes: The power of three to tell the story of all

The "golden mean" of philosophy, nature and art can help writers tell complex stories of issue and policy with intimacy and humanity
Two journalists talk to the bots — who talk back — about the pros and pitfalls of AI

Two journalists talk to the bots — who talk back — about the pros and pitfalls of AI

"Once we accept that AI is flawed, we can use it responsibly, even relish in what it has to offer." ~ journalism professor Casey Frechette
Writing in bursts of freedom

Writing in bursts of freedom

A science journalist who typically writes to a structure experimented with free-form bursts she learned from playing with paint and music
A hockey lover writes a perfect "deke"

A hockey lover writes a perfect “deke”

In a quick personal post, a veteran journalist executes a disciplined fake that keeps readers engaged — and rewards them with a surprise
Gifts for reporters and writers!

Gifts for reporters and writers!

Just in time for the holidays — or any day — journalist and author Kim Cross shares her must-have reporting and writing tools
A New York Times Insider piece takes readers beyond the public persona

A New York Times Insider piece takes readers beyond the public persona

By Jacqui BanaszynskiThe primary New York Times obit of Henry Kissinger listed it as a “38 MIN READ.” I checked the clock, my to-do list and my energy level. Then…