Story Craft Making good journalistic trouble, Part II: Highlighting urgency and proximity Nonfiction stories should include reporting that shows that distant-seeming problems are closer and more immediate than realized December 8, 2022 Paul A. Kramer Making good journalistic trouble, Part I: Exposing overlooked problems A Vanderbilt professor argues that nonfiction writing can connect writers, readers and social issues through a re-frame of traditional story approaches December 7, 2022 Paul A. Kramer How narrative journalists can make “good trouble” to tackle social problems A Vanderbilt history professor makes the case for re-framing social-issues stories in ways that partner with rather than preach to readers December 6, 2022 Paul A. Kramer When the best form for a complex narrative is a simple structure A standard — some would say ideal — approach to effective narrative nonfiction is to follow a single, primary character through an intimate journey that illuminates a larger social situation.… October 20, 2022 Jacqui Banaszynski How one death by gun violence revealed an epidemic of indifference Shootings are so common in the U.S. that victims are often reduced to 10-point type in news stories: A name and age, maybe alongside a loved ones’ baleful quote set… October 13, 2022 Trevor Pyle A better way to teach writing? Try journalism A PhD in literature argues that journalism, not "comp," is the most effective way to help college student learn to write October 6, 2022 Elizabeth Toohey What reporters need from editors and editors need from reporters A partnership between narrative journalists Jan Winburn and Moni Basu led to deep stories and a deep friendship September 29, 2022 Jacqui Banaszynski What stacking wood can teach us about structuring stories Author and wood-splitter Kim Cross tackles a mountain of firewood, which helps her work through the mountainous first draft of a story September 7, 2022 Kim Cross Hacking and whacking the way to writing clarity — and pie An author and freelancer contemplates story craft as she tames and harvests the blackberry brambles on her land August 25, 2022 Lauren Kessler Not just SayWhat, but SezWho? For a time in the early 1990s, I wrote narrative journalism for a business magazine. One of my better efforts recounted the fight for control of an investment bank. Someone… August 12, 2022 Dale Keiger Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 38 Next