Narrative News

The value of villains: Here's motivation for pursuing stories some might find off-putting

The value of villains: Here’s motivation for pursuing stories some might find off-putting

Podcaster and journalist Evan Ratliff, author of "The Mastermind," on why he is drawn to stories of the "bad guys"
The game-changing union of digital innovation and "emotional storytelling"

The game-changing union of digital innovation and “emotional storytelling”

The Power of Storytelling: How the Financial Times is revolutionizing the shape of hard-facts reporting to counter mistrust and foster empathy
Mastering the awkward art of the interview

Mastering the awkward art of the interview

In the seven years since Max Linsky co-founded the Longform Podcast (with Evan Ratliff and Aaron Lammer), he has interviewed hundreds of storytelling luminaries: journalists, non-fiction writers and public figures.…
A new "true story" award honors longform nonfiction from around the world

A new “true story” award honors longform nonfiction from around the world

The ceremony was held in a gilded, 115-year-old opera house in Bern, Switzerland. A giant faux bear shared the stage with a prominent news anchor, who emceed the event in…
Revisiting the "Ghost Ship" fire

Revisiting the “Ghost Ship” fire

In early December, 2016, a fire broke out during a concert at “Ghost Ship,” a one-time warehouse in Oakland, California, that had been turned, mostly illegally and in fits and…
Gems of wisdom: Start writing, read out loud, and send handwritten notes

Gems of wisdom: Start writing, read out loud, and send handwritten notes

Notes from The Mayborn: A first-timer finds comfort and good advice
Covering failures in the justice system with patience for facts and sensitivity to victims

Covering failures in the justice system with patience for facts and sensitivity to victims

Notes from The Mayborn: Pamela Colloff on how to walk the careful line between journalistic revelation and dramatic exploitation
"Righteous rage" and powerful journalism

“Righteous rage” and powerful journalism

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference, now in its 15th year, has grown into one of the the premier journalistic gatherings in the United States. This year’s conference centered…

The LA Times resurrects Column One

A signature space for writers is revived and reimagined for the digital age (Creative risk encouraged. But nut graphs? Not so much)
A writer who cared enough to strap in; an editor who cared enough to show up

A writer who cared enough to strap in; an editor who cared enough to show up

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is not unusual these days to come across yet another announcement of the death of a notable journalist. Those who came into the profession during the heady…