Notable Narratives

Stories behind bars: The power and pitfalls of "emotional truths"

Stories behind bars: The power and pitfalls of “emotional truths”

When I began reading Evan Allen’s powerful, critically acclaimed Boston Globe story about Anthony Pledger, all I could think about was Jimmie. Jimmie is a violent offender — a sanitized…
What a modern reading of "The Canterbury Tales" can teach us

What a modern reading of “The Canterbury Tales” can teach us

A journalist's mother tuned her, and then her daughter, into the sound of written language by reading Chaucer aloud in Middle English
Icy waters, lost treasures, timeless tales and the tricky route to immortality

Icy waters, lost treasures, timeless tales and the tricky route to immortality

A biographer of Arctic explorers writes about the discovery of Shackleton's Endurance and why adventure narratives hold our attention through time
The pioneering narrative work of "girl stunt reporters"

The pioneering narrative work of “girl stunt reporters”

How Nellie Bly and a sisterhood of crusaders foreshadowed today's narrative nonfiction
The making of Joan Didion: From fuzzy facts to peerless prose

The making of Joan Didion: From fuzzy facts to peerless prose

A re-read of Didion's work shows the evolution of excellence that came through years of hard work and self scrutiny
The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read

A charter member of IRE carried lessons from Didion's probe of the 1989 Central Park jogger case throughout his career
Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

Epic history that inspired epic storytelling

At the end of each semester, after all the discussions of craft, I remind my reporting students at the Missouri School of Journalism the why of it all: the larger…
Editing advice from the world's best story critic: a child

Editing advice from the world’s best story critic: a child

I had an exchange the other night with my 4 ½-year-old daughter about what qualifies as a story. Who knew one of the joys of parenthood would be to see…
A radio producer and print reporters partner on a narrative for multiple platforms

A radio producer and print reporters partner on a narrative for multiple platforms

EDITOR’S NOTE: Read an annotation of the prologue and first act of This American Life’s “Anatomy of Doubt.”CAUTION: The stories linked to and discussed in this package describe details of…
Ernest Hemingway's true and lasting writing lessons

Ernest Hemingway’s true and lasting writing lessons

A new documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explores the complexity of the man, and the legacy of his work