One Great Moment

“He sat in an old chair near a particle board pinned with the yellowed obituaries of steelworker friends who died too early, including Robert Plater. 60. Cancer. A paper target practice figure hung next to the obituaries. Its heart had been blown out.”

—Jeffrey Fleishman, "Here's why Bruce Springsteen's blue-collar heroes have made Donald Trump their rock star," Los Angeles Times, October 27, 1016.

“Barcantier, of Le Kremlin, who had jumped in the river, tried in vain to throttle, aided by his Great Dane, the meddler who was dragging him out.”

—Félix Fénéon, Le Matin, 1906

“I go to sleep every night knowing I have the blood of so many on my hands and no amount of soap could ever wash these stains away.”

—C.J. Chivers, "The Fighter," The New York Times Magazine, December 28, 2016.

“But then the not-knowing returns, and it keeps him awake at night.”

—Alex Tizon, “In the Land of Missing Persons,” The Atlantic, April 2016.

“She is the mother of two fatherless children and she was walking into the history of this country because she was showing everybody who felt old and helpless and without hope that she had this terrible strength that everybody needed so badly.”

—Jimmy Breslin, "Digging JFK Grave Was His Honor," the New York Herald Tribune, November 1963.

“Henry Ford believed the soul of a person is located in the last breath and so captured the last breath of his best friend Thomas Edison in a test tube and kept it evermore.”

—Elizabeth Alexander, "The Light of the World."

“This is a love story, and I apologize; it was inadvertent. But I want it clearly understood from the start that I don’t expect it to turn out well.”

— Eve Babitz: "Slow Days, Fast Company: The World, the Flesh, and L.A."

“Hazel Morse was a large, fair woman of the type that incites some men when they use the word ‘blonde’ to click their tongues and wag their heads roguishly.”

—Dorothy Parker, "Big Blonde."

“He watched a mouse saunter up the electric cord leading to the nonfunctioning clock over the hotel bar and asked the Chinese waitress in German whether it was a tiger.”

—Henry Kamm, The New York Times, Feb. 17, 1973: “Regional Truce Teams Unable to Act”

“The only break from the darkness comes when the sub drops through clusters of bioluminescence that look like stars in the Milky Way.”

—Brooke Jarvis, "The Deepest Dig." The California Sunday Magazine, November 2, 2014.