Why’s This So Good?

In a divided land, Bruce Springsteen and the runaway American dream

In a divided land, Bruce Springsteen and the runaway American dream

“In the day we sweat it out in the streets of a runaway American dream.”— “Born to Run,” Bruce Springsteen, 1975.There’s trouble in the heartland these days over promises broken…
Guy Larson and "Merv Curls Lead" -- it's kind of like "The Office" on ice

Guy Larson and “Merv Curls Lead” — it’s kind of like “The Office” on ice

You know when you absentmindedly click on a product and an ad for the thing seems to stalk you online for the rest of your life? (I once thought the…
Why's This So Good? Ta-Nehisi Coates and "My President Was Black"

Why’s This So Good? Ta-Nehisi Coates and “My President Was Black”

I was almost afraid to read “My President Was Black.” Ta-Nehisi Coates is such a tour de force, I was afraid that his words would wipe away my thoughts, his insights obliterate…
5(ish) Questions: Photographer Stuart Palley and "Terra Flamma: Wildfires at Night"

5(ish) Questions: Photographer Stuart Palley and “Terra Flamma: Wildfires at Night”

We’re drowning in imagery these days: photos on the pages of newspapers and magazines, on televisions, smart phones, iPads and laptops; full-wrap ads on buses, trains and towering buildings; even…
Why's This So Good? Thomas Curwen and "The Loneliest War"

Why’s This So Good? Thomas Curwen and “The Loneliest War”

In this story on the "quiet" effects of PTSD, the Los Angeles Times writer realized that the heart of the narrative lay in the tension at home, not in the…
Why's This So Good? Mark Seal and "The Man in the Rockefeller Suit"

Why’s This So Good? Mark Seal and “The Man in the Rockefeller Suit”

In his Vanity Fair piece, the writer takes us on a suspenseful journey through the many identities of the man who conned his way to the top of American society
BuzzFeed News' Albert Samaha and a modern-day lynching in Mississippi

BuzzFeed News’ Albert Samaha and a modern-day lynching in Mississippi

Tomorrow’s journalists exploring the masters of today Jacqui Banaszynski is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who now is an endowed Knight Chair  professor at the Missouri School of Journalism. Last semester,…
Why's This So Good: Fidel Castro and the art of the obit

Why’s This So Good: Fidel Castro and the art of the obit

Anyone who’s worked in the obituary or foreign news section of a news outlet has a story or two to tell about the Fidel Castro obituary, otherwise known as Bane…
Why's This So Good? Randy Potts and "The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean"

Why’s This So Good? Randy Potts and “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean”

I follow the journalist Randy Potts on social media, so I had known for weeks that he was planning to launch “The Bible Went Down With The Birdie Jean,” a…
Why’s This So (Damn) Good (and Topical)? David Foster Wallace and “McCain’s Promise"

Why’s This So (Damn) Good (and Topical)? David Foster Wallace and “McCain’s Promise”

If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don’t bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who please rest…