Search results for “5 questions”

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2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

2022 Power of Narrative: Expert advice on covering drug addiction

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. Read Ellen Barry on first-person narratives, Lizzie Johnson on deadline narratives and Debbie Cenziper…
2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

2022 Power of Narrative: Debbie Cenziper on the reporting-writing partnership

Editor’s note: This is one of five posts from the 2022 Power of Narrative conference at Boston University. For other takeaways, see Ellen Barry on first-person narratives and Lizzie Johnson…
Book bans: An assault on knowledge

Book bans: An assault on knowledge

During summers of my childhood, a highlight was the twice-monthly visit by the bookmobile. Our small village had no formal public library at the time — we weren’t blessed with…
Award season 2022: A peek behind the scenes at some narrative winners

Award season 2022: A peek behind the scenes at some narrative winners

It’s that season. Not erratic spring, but the reliable roll-out of journalism awards, aka a free education in the best of this work and how it’s done. You can roll…
A successful investigative career and a vision led Jim Morris to take a risk

A successful investigative career and a vision led Jim Morris to take a risk

The Pivot: Neither the pandemic nor uncertainty blocked Morris' launch of a start-up devoted to public health reporting
What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

What personal pain reminded two writers about the gift listening

The longer I dwell in the world, the more I believe our greatest values, as human beings and as journalists, come through empathy and listening. Also, alas, our greatest failures.…
Reporting trauma: Nathan Rott on the tragedy of the Granite Mountain Hotshots

Reporting trauma: Nathan Rott on the tragedy of the Granite Mountain Hotshots

The NPR reporter honored his "no-knock" rule to find personal stories about the loss of a wildlands firefighting crew
Reporting trauma: Moni Basu on following an earthquake survivor

Reporting trauma: Moni Basu on following an earthquake survivor

The former CNN reporter returned to Haiti several times to follow a young woman who had been trapped in the rubble
Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

Viewing the COVID divide through tensions in one rural community

AP reporter Tim Sullivan found a small town on the Minnesota prairie to explore the political chasms exposed by COVID
An obit gets honest and goes viral

An obit gets honest and goes viral

“A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday.” That’s the first line of the unforgettable obit of Renay Mandel Corren, who died in December at age 84.…