Search results for “5 questions” Showing 753 results Telling the video story: Scatter visual breadcrumbs, keep the camera steady and shoot from the heart Eric Seals on the secret to successful video: It's about the story, not the gear October 26, 2018 Finding a narrative in “our most urgent national conversation”: the one about guns How three reporters, a national news chain and 21 strangers who met to talk became a 5,000-word tale with character, intimacy, structure and drama October 23, 2018 Can’t wait? A Marie Claire editor tries to answer pitches within 48 hours Senior editor Kayla Webley Adler scouts for both hard-hitting and fun stories with women at the center. Helpful hint: pitch a story – not a topic October 16, 2018 A conversation with Tommy Tomlinson: Getting naked in print and public A writer who tells intimate stories of others turns his notebook on himself in a searing memoir that undresses his own and America's obesity October 9, 2018 The craft (and art) of the interview, from thoughtful homework to whatever happens Outline of interviewing processThe panel was promoted as “The Art of the Interview.” And based on the range of advice from four Seattle-based journalists, effective interviewing – arguably every reporter’s… October 4, 2018 Legendary writer John McPhee to a student: “I don’t create the writer. At all.” What makes him such an effective teacher? He doesn't try to teach. October 2, 2018 After the fires: A surprising story of a haunted hero and the ashes of regret Lizzie Johnson of The San Francisco Chronicle revisits the headlines to ask about the aftermath. Not all endings are happily-ever-after. September 18, 2018 An alligator attack sparks a Facebook attack – and an invitation to reconsider meanness I sat on a bench with Wade Livingston the other day. We talked about an alligator attack, a woman who drowned, and the people who saw fit to condemn her for the audacity… September 13, 2018 Christopher Solomon on how he captured the controversial wolf man of Washington Before Christopher Solomon took on the case of the wolf researcher who ignited a political firestorm, the situation had sparked plenty of regional coverage. In particular, The Seattle Times, where… September 11, 2018 Erika Hayasaki on the reality of landing a big freelance story In the second of a two-parter, the former LA Times reporter scrutinizes the first pitch – and then the revision – that earned her a cover piece in Wired August 28, 2018 Previous 1 … 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 … 76 Next