Search results for “5 questions”

Showing 785 results

Peter Slevin tackles the biography of First Lady Michelle Obama

Editor’s Note: Anyone who writes about politics and politicians knows how difficult it is to bring fresh insight to familiar issues and personalities. That challenge is even greater if your…
Annotation Tuesday: Jeanne Marie Laskas and Guns ’R Us

Annotation Tuesday: Jeanne Marie Laskas and Guns ’R Us

When Jeanne Marie Laskas set out to write about guns for GQ magazine in 2012, she knew it would be difficult but she didn’t expect it would become the story…

Memorial Day Reading List

It’s easy to forget, amid all the cookouts and trips to the beach, that Memorial Day was created to remember the men and women who have died in military service.…
Exploring the Rise of Live Journalism

Exploring the Rise of Live Journalism

In 2001, while interning at the Associated Press bureau in Rome, Samantha Gross started working as a guide, giving walking tours of the Vatican, meandering through St. Peter’s Basilica with…
Virtual Reality Lets the Audience Step into the Story

Virtual Reality Lets the Audience Step into the Story

You’re standing in the middle of an eerily empty two-lane road. Cookie-cutter apartment complexes surround you. Broad-leaved trees line the street. It looks like an average American suburb, but something’s…

Annotation Tuesday: Michael J. Mooney and the Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever

Michael J. Mooney staked his claim in the world of narrative journalism with two stories that ran just weeks apart in the summer of 2012. In June, Mooney, a staff…
Annotation Tuesday: Justin Heckert and "Lost in the Waves"

Annotation Tuesday: Justin Heckert and “Lost in the Waves”

Justin Heckert has taken to his adopted home of Indianapolis, where his wife, Amanda, is the editor of Indianapolis Monthly. Heckert, who started making a name for himself as a magazine…

What 14 Great Writers Taught One Journalism Class

I knew it was going to be a great class the second week of the semester, when Mike Sager told my 11 undergraduate journalism majors about the time he snorted…
Stories We Loved: Some Favorite Narrative from 2014

Stories We Loved: Some Favorite Narrative from 2014

It’s that time of year when “Best of” lists litter the landscape like pine needles. Here at Storyboard, we decided to do something a little different to commemorate 2014. We…

Annotation Tuesday: the Porn Star and Mike Sager

I’ve been thinking about Mike Sager’s story, “The Devil and John Holmes,” for a long time. I first read his chronicle of the famous porn star and the Wonderland murders…