Search results for “5 questions”

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"Cutthroat Capitalism" strips down story to chase pirate treasure

“Cutthroat Capitalism” strips down story to chase pirate treasure

In WIRED’s recent take on Somali piracy, "Cutthroat Capitalism", Scott Carney leads what might have been a meaty narrative straight into a piranha-infested stream. What he pulls out on the…
Joel Achenbach and the storytellers' union

Joel Achenbach and the storytellers’ union

Lots of the usual suspects are blogging and Tweeting about Joel Achenbach’s piece on the future of narrative journalism that ran in yesterday’s Washington Post. Some people have excerpted interesting…

The Moth’s Lea Thau on storytelling

In some places, the spoken story is thriving. Last night in Boston, that 800-pound gorilla of live storytelling, the Moth, put on an event at the Tsai Performance Center. We decided…
The future of print narratives

The future of print narratives

The following comments are taken from a talk given by Oregonian reporter Tom Hallman on September 25, 2009, at the American Association of Sunday and Feature editors. Hallman won the…
Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

In September, photographer Mitch Epstein spoke by phone with us about his project “American Power,” which was highlighted in Granta’s summer issue. Epstein has worked as a fine art photographer…
Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Excerpts from a September 2009 interview with Chris Jones on "The End of Mystery," in which a team of investigators recovers bodies and determines the cause of a helicopter crash off the coast of…

Ana’s Story

One side of 24 year-old Ana Rodarte’s face balloons and sags with disfiguring neurofibromatosis. Can surgery help? Los Angeles Times reporter Thomas Curwen takes on a classic medical drama and covers…

The Girl in the Window

“The Girl in the Window” is the story of Dani, a child so removed from normal human community she has been labeled “feral.” In this St. Petersburg Times piece, Lane DeGregory walks…

Is It or Isn’t It (Just Another Mouse)?

In this piece, we liked Aschwanden’s mix of folksy language and humor with serious explication of scientific debate. She very clearly gets at what’s at stake in the story; we…

Voice and Meaning

[Editor’s note: This essay first appeared on, “a showcase and resource for new public radio.”] Dear Transomistas, It was daunting to have Jay Allison’s invitation to be a guest…